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government to perform, than to made such by the taxes, and do demolish this Devil and his shrine? not these stock-holders swallow I do not know, that the Ministers the taxes, or, at the very least, intend this demolition. Perhaps three-fifths of them? As to huthey do not. They say they do manity, then, that is decidedly in not; and, I am afraid, that in favour of every such measure ; this instance, they are sincere. for, though I am aware, that what But, as far as the present mea- is, in this instance, taken from sure goes, it is so much in the way one class of fundholders will be of demolition; and for that so much they are entitled to, and they have, the thanks of one not very much in the habit of praising their deeds.

We are told of the hardship, which these stock-holders will experience. The poor widows and orphans are rung in our ears. Indeed! Do we forget, then, that

these people are now receiving

three bushels of wheat for one;

and do we forget, that a very large

part of what they receive comès

out of the food that the labourer

and artisan ought to have and out

of the raiment that they ought to wear?

given, for the present, to another class, and more particularly to the crafty and practised Jews and Jobbers; yet, in the end, it will help to overthrow the whole fabric of fraud and baseness.

Besides, did not these stockholders know the nature of their property, as they call it! Did they not know, that, as it had been made by acts of parliament, it could be unmade by acts of parliament. Might they not have exchanged it for money long ago? Yes; but they felt something of satisfaction, of inward pride, at having "a mortgage" on all the

The labouring classes lands and on the labour of every have no widows and orphans, I living soul that breathed the air of suppose! Look at the endless list England! They regarded the inof paupers; and are they not dustrious classes as their slaves;

they looked upon them as their sent establishments) even one half properly; they approved of every per cent. interest upon the Debt. It is said that the revenue has

severity practised against them; when the power-of-imprisonment increased. My readers will do me bill was passed, the funds rose the justice to say, that I never That is enough. If, after that, said it would not; if rents went any man can feel pity for a ruined unpaid. I beg the reader, and voluntary stock-holder, that man you, the money-hoarders in paris either fool or knave. ticular, to bear in mind, that the

But, why waste our time on revenue now comes, in very great matters like these. The plain part, out of rents, and out of the question is this: shall the interest capitals of farmers. The Fundof the Debt be reduced, or, shall holder, the placeman, the penthe whole body of the farmers be sioner, the soldier, the sailor, all robbed of their last shilling of the tax-eaters divide amongst capital, and shall the present them the sums that used to go to landlords then lose their estates. pay rents and to add to the savings "This is the plain question now to be decided. The bill of PEEL is

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of the farmer and his tradesmen. The classes who now, in fact, re

to be kept in force. That is re-ceive the rents and the farm profits

solved on; and indeed it ought to be resolved on; and, if that Bill be kept in force, it is not more possible for me to swim across the Atlantic than it is for any rents at

all to be paid this day two years,

unless so large a part of the taxes

through the hands of the taxgatherer, spread them of course. They lay them out in taxed articles in great part. Soldiers and sailors, for instance, are brave fellows for taxed articles. So that there can be no reason why

be taken off as not to leave the the revenue should decline. The

means of paying (with our pre-revenue is now, in very large

part a deduction from rents and instead of farmers. Still he will from farming capital. It is cu- have no income. Now, will this go rious nonsense indeed, then, to on, until the government actually pretend, that the keeping up of become the landlord? And yet, the revenue is a ground of hope for to this it must come, unless the the landlords. As well might it be interest of the debt be greatly repretended, that because a gentle-duced. There is not (Peel's Bill man's servants receive an addi- being enforced) the means of paytion of income from acts of theft ing the tax-eaters without taking committed on his purse, the gen-away all the rents and all the tleman himself is in no danger of tithes too. And, will it be pushed having his purse emptied. to this length? Will the landlords and the parsons see it come to this?

When we look at the nature of

a farmer's pursuits; when we consider all the inconveniences at+

tending his removal; when we


consider his fixed habits and the

All attempts to raise prices will prove nugatory. They must come down to the prices, or nearly the prices, of other nations, gold and

innumerable objects and feelings that bind him to the spot where he silver being the currency here as is; when we thus view the matter, [ well as there. It is stated, in the we are not to wonder, that, in public papers, that Mr. BANKES many cases, he remains lingering has a project for buying up corn and hoping, though he clearly sees, that he is daily becoming

poorer and poorer. But, there

with taxes to put in granary. But, suppose corn should get lower instead of higher? In that case to

must be an end to this; and the store up the corn, unless it be

end is not far distant.

The land-destroyed, will augment the evil; lord can have no rent. He may and, if destroyed, what a wise let and he may seize; but, in a thing, while we have a superabunshort time, he must have bailiffs dant population! But, in any

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case, unless you destroy the corn, / touch, away they go, neck and it must come to market first or heels, and who will succeed them,

last. And, therefore, first or last, it must lower prices in proportion to its quantity. Of a piece with this scheme is that of lending the parishes money upon their pawned poor-rates to feed the farming labourers! What! First take away the money in taxes, and then lend it to be laid out in loans on the poor-rates!

All these schemes tend to prove, that the Ministers know not what

and what will succeed the change, God only knows; or, it is, at least, far beyond my powers of prophesy. One thing, however, I venture to predict; and that is, if these things happen before a reform of the parliament take place, England will witness scenes of confusion not surpassed by any thing of the kind that is recorded in the history of any nation upon earth. And this ought to point

to do, and that the case is per-out to fundholders what to do! fectly desperate. Yet, it is not to In the midst of such scenes be believed, that the landlords," property" like that of the funds who certainly have, as yet, the power in their hands, will give up their estates quietly. As I told you, my friends, so often, last

year, there will be a struggle.

Mr. WESTERN now says the same.
Indeed the struggle is now going

on. It was begun by the attack
on the malt-tax. The Ministers
are in a deplorable state. It is
like scalping them to make them

touch the debt; but they have

is very much like that which we sometimes possess in a dream. The French Assembly set out with ardent vows in favour of national faith. They were resolved to pay honestly to the last farthing. But they soon forgot all about the matter. There are old people now in America, who can show you sacks full of continental money, for which the national faith was pledged; and for

touched it! Before the third which they never got a farthing

would be made apparent. It will be just as I predicted. The landlords, for fear of the Radicals, will try another year; and then the

and never will. The common | last summer and fall, that little sense and common feeling of man- would be done this winter; yet, kind is against paying what are that a good deal would be said; called national debts, any further and that the fate of the funds than they can be paid without resorting to a seizure of rents and capitals, and without robbing the labourer of necessary food and raiment. And the state of our tug will come, unless, which is case is precisely this: we cannot possible, the landlords should, by now pay the interest of the debt, that time, be too feeble to make without seizing on rents and capi-fight of any sort..

tals, and without half starving the labouring classes.

You see, that the main, and,

indeed, the only hope of the Ministers, is, that farm produce

will rise in price. That, upon an

average of seasons, is impossible,

unless Peel's Bill be repealed.

And yet this is the only hope. All their pitiful measures are founded

on this hope. They begin to see,

However, it is for you to hoard

away. If they really should put out the four millions of Exchequer Bills, it is possible that the gold may again disappear! The Bank can, you will remember, stop paying in sovereigns whenever it pleases, until May 1823. There are persons, indeed, who will go and demand bars; but that is not so convenient. I am of opinion, that these four millions

that there can, with present taxes and without a reduction of debt, be of Exchequer Bills will, at any no rents, unless prices rise! If rate, produce a something that this hope fail them, then, where will make you look at your hoarded are they? And where are Gar-gold with great satisfaction. FER GOOCH and STUART WORT

You know, that I might now,

LEY? I always said, during the without more ado, hold the feast

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