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The United States extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The five Great Lakes are on the north. The Gulf of Mexico is on the south.

Starting at the west, let us journey across our country. Near the Pacific Ocean is a great highland. The Rocky Mountains are a part of this highland. Gold, silver, and many other valuable minerals are mined here.

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Dictation.—The Great Plains lie east of the Rocky Mountains. This is a grazing region. Thousands of buffaloes used to feed here. Next come the fertile prairies along the Mississippi River. Lumber, grain, cotton, and sugar-cane grow in this valley.

The Alleghany Mountains, where coal and iron are found, and a fertile slope to the Atlantic Ocean, finish our journey across the United States.

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He that by the plow would thrive

Himself must either hold or drive.-Franklin.

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Dictation.—A little neglect may breed great mischief: For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost, being overtaken and slain by the enemy-all for want of care about a horseshoe nail.-Franklin.

Re-write, using words from the following list in place of the words in italics.

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Write the words, and mark every long sound of a vowel.

To the Teacher.-Teach the pupils the use of the Marks of Punctuation,

one by one, as they come up in other lessons.

129-Capital Letters

Rule.-Titles, when applied to persons, begin with capitals.

Dictation. The famous Duke of Wellington won the battle of Waterloo. I met Sir Walter Scott at his home, Abbotsford. Among the guests were Senator Benton and Judge Story. We called on President Lincoln at the White House.

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The house which the President of the United States occupies in Washington is officially named the "Executive Mansion." It was built of a soft sandstone and painted white. Hence it is familiarly called the "White House." It is both the residence and the office of the President.

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Write the words in the first two columns, and opposite each write a

word of like meaning from the last two columns.

Pronunciation.—1 vï'kount; 2 zär.

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Write sentences using the words engine, engineer, gesture, genuine, and gymnastics.

134 Compound Words

A word formed of two simple words is called a compound word. If it has been in general use a long time, its parts are joined like the syllables of a simple word; if not, a hyphen is placed between them. Make as many compound words as you can of the following simple words; find out from the dictionary which should have a hyphen. Ex.: Rainbow, snow-bound.

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How many compound words can you form, using as the first word head? play? home?

Copy :

Mont Blanc is the monarch of mountains;
They crowned him long ago,

On a throne of rocks, in a robe of clouds,

With a diadem of snow.-Byron.

What and where is Mont Blanc? What is meant by "monarch of mountains"? "throne of rocks"? "robe of clouds"? and "diadem of snow "?

Pronunciation.—1 jēn'yŭs or jē'ní tis; 2ẽrb'áj or herb’áj.

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Write the sentences, putting the right word in the right place.

It is not what we (8), but what we save that makes us rich.-Prov. A bird in the hand is worth (5) in the bush. -Prov. We (1) the silver (8) (5) them. I remember the (7)-trees, dark and high.-Hood. A (1) is one-hundredth part of a dollar. Prunes are dried (2)s. A dog has (4) feet, but the (4) feet are the two front feet. And all the world would (3).-Cowper. The (1) of the roses will hang round it still.—Moore. Who (6) the stone (6) the window? Russian sable is a costly (7). (5) many cooks spoil the broth. Masons test a wall with a (2)-line. White marble (3)s lead to the Capitol.

137-The Date Palm

Dictation. The date palm is the most useful tree to the Arab. The wood is used for fuel and building. The leaves are made into baskets, brushes, ropes, and mats. The fruit is his food. Wine and vinegar are made from the juice. The young shoots are cooked and eaten. Oil is made from the seeds.

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