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A lady who has been in their employ some years, and from whom we have these facts, has on three or four occasions been compelled by her own sickness, and that of those dependent upon her, to leave her work for severa weeks at a time. As regularly as Saturday came, came also the salary, with kind inquiries from the office, and many little things were done which, in the words of the grateful recipient, were as much as the money." More, perhaps, for through trial and sorrow they helped a brave heart to battle with obstacles which even that brave heart, without human sympathy, might have failed to overcome.

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Though it may not be possible for many to scatter benefactions with such lavish hand as in the instances noted, the spirit which prompted them may be cultivated in the humblest position of command, and if they give all they can, may feel themselves taken into a partnership of good-will, whose stock is continually multiplied, being increased by division.

Household Treasury.


C. W.

A YOUNG man who had more money than good counsel left him by his parents, became a sceptic. Having afterwards become a "believer," a friend asked what had wrought the change.

Said he "You know I spent much of my time in hunting; and a few weeks since, on a beautiful Sabbath morning, I went in search of game. Being weary of roaming about the woods, I sat down on a log to rest. While thus seated, my attention was attracted to a neighbouring tree by the cries of a bird which was fluttering over her nest, uttering shrieks of anguish, as if a viper were destroying her young.

"On looking about I soon found the object of her dread in a venomous snake, dragging his slow length towards the tree, his eye intent on the bird and her nest. Presently I saw the male bird coming from a distance with a little twig covered with leaves in his mouth. Instantly the male bird laid the twig over his mate and her young, and then perched himself on one of the topmost branches of the tree, awaiting the arrival of the enemy.

"By this time the snake had reached the spot. Coiling himself around the trunk, he ascended the tree; at length, gliding along the branch till he came near the nest, he lifted his head as if to take his vicinity by surprise. He looked at the nest, then suddenly drew back his head as if he had been shot, and hurriedly made his way down the tree.

"I had the curiosity to see what had turned him from his malicious purpose, and on ascending the tree I found the twig to have been broken from a poisonous bush which that snake was never known to approach.

"Instantly the thought rushed across my mind: Who taught this bird its only weapon of defence in this hour of peril?' And quick as thought came the answer: None but God Almighty, whose very existence I have denied.'"

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God sends them to the ant to learn industry, to the ravens and to the lilies for lessons of trust; and here, in the protection of a defenceless bird's

nest from a cruel foe, shines out the same kind of Providence which watches the falling sparrow and numbers the hairs of our heads.


WHEN the saintly Polycarp was being led to the fiery stake at the age of a hundred years, he was urged by some of the heathen to renounce Christ by uttering even so much as one word against Him, and to save himself from the agonies of a cruel death. But you remember his noble answer: 'Eighty and six years have I served Him, and He has never done me anything but good all my life; and shall I now renounce Him in my old age?"

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When Philip Henry, the father of the great commentator, was preaching towards the end of his long ministry at Broad Oak, on the words, "My yoke is easy, and My burden is light," he appealed in a manner which affected many that heard it, to the experiences of all that had "drawn in that yoke," in the following words: "Call now if there be any that will answer you, and to which of the saints will you turn? Turn to whom you will, and they will all agree that they have found wisdom's ways pleasantness, and Christ's commandments not grievous; and (he added) I will here witness for one who, through grace, has in some poor measure been drawing this yoke now above thirty years, and I have found it an easy yoke, and like my choice too well to change."


"I AM my own master!" cried a young man proudly, when a friend tried to persuade him from an enterprise which he had on hand; "I am my own master!"

"Did you ever consider what a responsible post that is?" asked his friend.

'Responsible? Is it?"

"A master must lay out the work which he wants done, and see that it is done right. He should try to secure the best ends by the best means. He must keep on the look-out against obstacles and accidents, and watch that everything goes straight, else he must fail."


"To be master of yourself you have your conscience to keep clear, your heart to cultivate, your temper to govern, your will to direct, and your judgment to instruct. You are master over a hard lot, and if you don't master them they will master you."

"That is so," said the young man.

"Now I could undertake no such thing," said his friend. "I should fail sure, if I did. Saul wanted to be his own master and failed. Herod did. Judas did. No man is fit for it. 'One is my master, even Christ.' I work under His direction. He is regulator, and where He is master all goes right."

"One is my master, even Christ," repeated the young man slowly and seriously; "everybody who puts himself sincerely under His leadership wins at last."


THE wilderness is nearly traversed, Canaan and Jerusalem are almost within my view; the summits of the everlasting hills are already appearing. What manner of person, then, ought I to be in all holy conversation, and godliness, looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God? I must press forward; and so much the more as I see the day approaching, I must be consistent and heavenly-minded, so walking worthy of my calling, and setting my affections on things above. For what have I, who have a crown in prospect, a Kingdom in reversion, to do with the vanities or pleasures of this poor passing world? My eye is above; my treasure is in heaven; shall not my heart be there also? If I am in Christ, I must seek to be like Him, and to follow Him more and more closely, as the night is hastening to an end, and the day about to break. If I am in sorrow, I shall call to mind that weeping endureth but for a night, joy cometh in the morning. If I am in comfort, I must see that this prosperity which God has given me is making me a holier man, and a more self-denying worker for Him who loved me and washed me from my sins in His own blood. If I am poor, I shall rejoice that my day of wealth is just at hand. If I am rich, I shall take this gold which my Lord has given me and lay it all at His beloved feet. Mine must be no half discipleship-no service of two masters-no divided heart. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. What remains of this brief life of mine must be given wholly to the Lord.


LITTLE George did not yet know what the echo was.

Once when he was in the woods he called out, "Ho! ho!" Directly the echo answered him, "Ho! ho!"

He called out, wondering, "Where art thou?"

The voice called out, "Where art thou?"

He said, "You are a stupid fellow!"

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Stupid fellow!" the woods took up the echo again.

Then George became vexed, and kept on calling out all sorts of nicknames in the woods.

All was repeated to him again.

He looked about for the meddling boy all over the woods; but he searched in vain, he could find no one.

Then George ran home, and told his mother that a bad boy, hidden in the woods, had mocked him, and called him names.

The mother said, "This time you are rightly served, and have made a laughing-stock of yourself. Be assured, you have heard nothing but your own words. Just as you have often seen your face in the water, now you have heard your voice in the woods. If you had called out a friendly word, you would have received a friendly word in return."

So it generally happens that the conduct of others is mostly only the echo of our own. If we treat them kindly they will be friendly towards us; but it ve are rough and ill-mannered towards them, so must we expect nothing better from them.



EIGHTY years ago, on the 13th of August, 1796, Robert Halley was born at Blackheath, and thus lived through many changes-social, political, and religious, which it was his delight in old age to recount as affording satisfactory proofs that the world was making progress, and that the kingdom of Christ was advancing. Early deprived of a mother's care, he was religiously and somewhat strictly brought up by his father, a Scotch Anti-burgher, who, on coming to England, had joined the Independents, and was a very active deacon of the church at High-street, Deptford, and a warm friend of its pastor, the Rev. J. T. Barker. Robert, the eldest son, on leaving school, showed little aptitude for his father's business of nurseryman, greatly preferring reading and study; and as he early in life became a decided Christian youth, and engaged in Sunday-school work, his gift of utterance was developed, and he was encouraged to consecrate his mental powers, and his facility for imparting his own convictions, to the highest service, that of the Christian ministry. This early decision he never repented, and from eighteen to eighty embraced every opportunity of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Having passed through his college course at Homerton, under the tutorship of Dr. Pye Smith and Rev. W. Walford, names ever held by him in the highest esteem, he became pastor of the church at St. Neots, where he married the excellent woman who for forty years was a true and loving help to him, both in his home and in his work. Here he not only preached regularly three times on Sunday, and held frequent services at out-stations,

but he also educated young men, and had the training of missionary students entrusted to him. This led to his being appointed the resident and classical tutor, when Highbury College was opened in 1826, and for thirteen years he presided over that institution, till in 1839 he was invited to succeed Dr. M'All at Morley-street Chapel, Manchester. His preaching had already been highly appreciated when supplying other pulpits, but now that he devoted his life to ministerial work, his success was more manifest. Many will never forget the Sabbath morning sermons in which he so clearly expounded Christian doctrine, never failing by earnest appeal to bring the truth to bear upon the consciences of his hearers. Very impressive, too, was the scene on Sunday evenings, when his winter courses of lectures to young men brought crowds together, some walking in from neighbouring towns; and though often obliged to stand during the service, thinking themselves well repaid by the earnest, instructive, helpful words to which they listened. After nine years a new chapel in Cavendish-street was built, which, with day and Sundayschools, cost £30,000, and in this handsome Gothic edifice he continued his ministry for nine years more. During the whole of his Manchester life he took an active part in various philanthropic and religious movements, being so effective a platform speaker that a public meeting was hardly considered complete unless he took a part; and on more than one occasion he held turbulent assemblies in fixed attention, while he exposed fallacies with his clear insight and keenwitted words. In 1873, Dr. Halley returned to London as principal of New College, and for fifteen years more was able to render effective service there

training another generation of ministers, among whom were some of the sons of his Highbury students. He still continued to preach on Sundays wherever he was asked, so that he was known in the churches all over England, Rutland being the only county in which his voice as a preacher has not been heard.

In 1872 advancing years made it desirable for him to retire from public life, when a testimonial amounting to more than £3,000 was presented to him, largely contributed by the many ministers in whose college training he had borne an important part. Still he preached on with almost unabated regularity till the beginning of this year, and even as late as the last Sunday in June occupied his son's pulpit at Arundel, where he was spending the summer months. He felt his strength declining, and calmly awaited the great change, constantly recounting the proofs of God's goodness to him throughout his life. No disease attacked him; the lamp of life gradually burnt out, and five days after attaining his eightieth birthday he was unable to rise as usual, and after a few hours of semi-unconsciousness, without pain, he quietly passed away, having thanked God on the evening before his death for being with him "to the very last." We have not space to speak of him as an author, but his Congregational Lectures on the Sacraments, and the controversies arising out of them, with his "History of Lancashire Nonconformity," sufficiently attest his literary ability.

For many years he was one of the managers of this magazine, was a frequent contributor to its pages, and at the last half-yearly meeting expressed his unabated attachment to it, and his earnest hope that it might long continue its useful career. He was twice called upon to preach the missionary sermon at Surrey Chapel, and in 1855 was Chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales. His funeral, which took place at Abney

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THE REV. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, M.A. IT is with sacred pleasure that we inscribe a few lines to the memory of the late Rev. William Campbell, M. A., of Anerley. Born of reputable and pious parents at Wick, in the north of Scotland, in the year 1803, and deprived of his father at a very early age, he went with his widowed mother and two orphan sisters to reside at Thurso, some twenty or thirty miles north-west of his birthplace. His aptitude and eagerness for acquiring knowledge early developed themselves, and in the parish school of this town he laid a good foundation in English and classical learning. But while yet a youth, he proceeded to Edinburgh University, where he applied himself so diligently and successfully to the usual studies of that seat of learning, that he obtained his degree of M.A. before reaching manhood.

In looking to the future, he had once thought of devoting himself to the study of law, with the view of prac tising as an advocate at the Scottish bar. But as his religious convictions matured, and he had already become & member of the Congregational Church at Thurso, then presided over by the Rev. E. Ewing, he decided on choosing the Christian ministry, and that in the service of the Congregationalists. In aid of his further preparation for this office, he offered himself for admission to Highbury College, London, and was accepted. Under the late Dr. Robert Halley and Dr. Ebenezer Hendersonthe former the Classical, and the latter the Hebrew and Theological tutor-be

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