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[blocks in formation]

It is a melancholy thing to know that this lady has been left in the most destitute circumstances by the death of her son-in-law. We trust that "the humane and charitable" (as the advertisements of the Morning Post have it) will respond to the appeal that has already been made in her behalf, and we ask "the Brothers Cheeryble" of America (our faith is firm in the existence of such an amiable pair) to extend to her such relief as in the kindness of their hearts they shall think consonant with the dictates of philanthropy. It is a case calling for the exercise of that religion which we are assured is "pure and undefiled before God and the Father."

Those persons who desire to contribute to so noble a charity as this may make remittances to N. P. Willis Esq. Office of the Home Journal, New York City, who will apply the receipts to the immediate relief of Mrs. Clemm.

It is with sad feelings indeed that we copy the following announcement from the Southern Literary Ga



In Charleston, S. C. on the morning of the 19th of September, after a protracted illness, Mary Elizabeth Lee, in whose beautiful character many of the virtues that adorn humanity were blended, and where meekness and humility shone pre-eminently. Her death has left a vacancy the hearts of her loved and loving friends, which only time can fill up. To her immediate and devoted relatives her loss is irreparable. "The Lord gave and the Lord

hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."



REDBURN: His First Voyage. Being the Sailor-Boy Confessions and Reminiscences of the Son of a Gentle man, in the Merchant Service. By Herman Melville, anthor of "Typee," "Omoo," and "Mardi." New York: Harper & Brothers. 1849.

If this volume be an imaginary narrative then is it the most life-like and natural fiction since Robinson Crusoe's account of his life on the island of Juan Fernandez. Mr. Melville has made ample amends in Redburn for the grotesqueness and prolixity of his last work, "Mardi," which we found it impossible to read through. No one, we undertake to say, can find in this sailor-boy confession any incident that might not have happened-nay, that has not the air of strict probability. The descriptions of life before the mast, of the sailor boarding-houses in Liverpool, of dock service and forecastle usages, are well-drawn and sometimes remind us of Smollett. For the purpose of introducing a few passages, we give an outline of the narrative.

Wellingborough Redburn, the son of a bankrupt merchant, living with his mother, then a widow, on the banks of the Hudson, resolves to go to sea. Carrying this res olution into effect he ships on board the Highlander, a first class merchantman, for Liverpool. Being quite a boy he meets with little consideration at the hands of the crew

and begins to discover that the bunk of a ship (like a
a light carriage) is not
newly macadamized road to
"what it's cracked up to be." His ideas of the captain
in particular are greatly modified. He had seen that off-
cial all courtesy and suaviter-in-modo at the time he
signed his articles in New York. At sea he was quite
another sort of person. Redburn, with the utmost sim-
plicity, designed making a social call on the captain in
his cabin, encouraged by his affable manner on shore.
This is his account of the matter, told with exquisite

"When two or three days had passed without the captain's speaking to me in any way, or sending word into the forecastle that he wished me to drop into the cabin to pay my respects, I began to think whether I should not make the first advances, and whether indeed he did not

MISS LEE was a daughter of William Lee Esq., and a niece of the late Judge Thomas Lee of Charleston, S. C. She contributed frequently to the best magazines of the country, both in prose and verse, and was an especial favorite with the readers of the Messenger, who will recollect the fine poetical talent developed in the Indian's Revenge, a Legend of Toccoa, in Four Parts, which was pub-expect it of me, since I was but a boy, and he a man; and

lished in the 12th volume.

But a few days before this lovely being passed into the heavenly land, another spirit "whose lips o'erflowed with song," was called away to her final rest. MISS MARY G. WELLS, well known for her graceful contributions to the Messenger, died in Philadelphia on the 2nd of September last. Her disease was pulmonary consumption, that distressing malady which seems to be the chosen guise in which the dread angel approaches the fairest and meekest of earth's creatures. She lingered seven months, bearing her sufferings with the most affecting resignation, and looking with such tranquil composure for the last great change, that she herself chose a spot in the Cemetery of Laurel Hill as the receptacle of her earthly remains. There they now repose.

perhaps that might have been the reason why he had not spoken to me yet, deeming it more proper and respectful for me to address him first. I thought he might be of fended, too, especially if he were a proud man, with tender feelings. So one evening, a little before sundown, in the second dog-watch, when there was no more work to be done, I concluded to call and see him.

"After drawing a bucket of water, and having a good wash, to get off some of the chicken-coop stains, I went down into the forecastle to dress myself as neatly as I could. I put on a white shirt in place of my red one, and got into a pair of cloth trowsers instead of my duck ones, and put on my new pumps, and then carefully brushing my shooting jacket I put that on over all, so that upon the whole I made quite a genteel figure, at least for a forecastle, though I would not have looked so well in a

Thus, one by one, fall away the blossoms that adorn the rugged path of our earthly pilgrimage. Of the two kin- | drawing-room. dred spirits whose decease we have just recorded, we may "When the sailors saw me thus employed, they did not say, in the significant image of Bryant's elegiac verses, know what to make of it, and wanted to know whether I that it was meet that they should perish with the flowers, was dressing to go ashore; I told them no, for we were for their lives were assimilated to the radiant sphere to then out of sight of land; but that I was going to pay my which they have taken flight, and they walked on earth respects to the captain. Upon which they all laughed as in the land of Beulah, catching at times bright glimp- and shouted, as if I were a simpleton; though there seemed nothing so very simple in going to make an evening

ses of the Delectable Mountains.

call upon my friend. Then some of them tried to dissuade | book with seventeen plates, executed in the highest style me, saying I was green and raw: but Jackson, who was of art; this precious book was next to useless. Yes, the looking on, cried out with a hideous grin-Let him thing that had guided the father, could not guide the son. go, let him go, men-he is a nice boy. Let him go; the And I sat down on a shop step, and gave loose to medicaptain has some nuts and raisins for him.' And so he tation. was going on, when one of his violent fits of coughing seized him, and he was almost choked.

"Here, now, oh, Wellingborough, thought I, learn a lesson and never forget it. This world, my boy, is a moving world; its Riddough's Hotels are forever being pulled "As I was about leaving the forecastle, I happened to down; it never stands still; nd sands are forever look at my hands, and seeing them stained all over of a shifting. This very harbor of Liverpool is gradually fildeep yellow, for that morning the mate had set me to tar-ling up, they say; and who knows what your son (if you ring some strips of canvass for the rigging, I thought it would never do to present myself before a gentleman that way; so for want of kids, I slipped on a pair of woollen mittens, which my mother had knit for me to carry to sea. As I was putting them on, Jackson asked me whether he shouldn't call a carriage; and another bade me not to forget to present his best respects to the skipper. I left them all tittering, and coming on deck was passing the cook-house, when the old cook called after me, saying I had forgot my cane.

"But I did not heed their impudence, and was walking straight towards the cabin-door on the quarter-deck, when the chief mate met me. I touched my hat, and was passing him, when, after staring at me till I thought his eyes would burst out, he all at once caught me by the collar, and with a voice of thunder, wanted to know what meant by playing such tricks aboard a ship that he was mate of? I told him to let go of me or I would complain to my friend the captain, whom I intended to visit that evening. Upon this he gave me such a whirl round that I thought the Gulf Stream was in my head; and then shoved me forward, roaring out I know not what. Meanwhile the sailors were all standing round the windlass looking aft, mightily tickled.

"Seeing I could not effect my object that night, I thought it best to defer it for the present; and returning among the sailors, Jackson asked me how I had found the captain, and whether the next time I went, I would not take a friend along and introduce him.

"The upshot of this business was, that before I went to sleep that night, I felt well satisfied that it was not customary for sailors to call on the captain in the cabin; and I began to have an inkling of the fact that I had acted like a fool; but it all arose from my ignorance of sea usages."

The Jackson here mentioned is the petty tyrant of the forecastle, who maltreats his inferiors and exercises a hard sway over Redburn.

After a thirty days' passage the Highlander at last hauls up in Prince's Dock, Liverpool, and Redburn goes ashore to look about him. After getting comfortably installed at the "Baltimore Clipper," a nautical caravansera, he takes a turn of the town assisted by an old guide-book which his father had purchased on a visit to Liverpool many years before. The book of course is superannuated, antediluvian, and our young hero is sensibly affected in not being able to find the haunts of the father as marked down in it. All attempts to discover a certain Riddough's Hotel, whereat his father had lodged, proving fruitless, he speculates on it as follows

"Then, indeed, a new light broke in upon me concerning my guide-book; and all my previous dim suspicions were almost confirmed. It was nearly half a century behind the age! and no more fit to guide me about the town than the map of Pompeii.

"It was a sad, a solemn, and a most melancholy thought. The book on which I had so much relied; the book in the old morocco cover; the book with the cocked-hat corners; the book full of fine old family associations; the

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ever have one) may behold, when he comes to visit Liverpool, as long after you as you come after his grandfather. And, Wellingborough, as your father's guide-book is no guide for you, neither would yours (could you afford to buy a modern one to day) be a true guide to those who come after you. Guide-books, Wellingborough, are the least reliable books in all literature; and nearly all literature, in one sense, is made up of guide-books. Old ones tell us the way our fathers went, through the thoroughfares and courts of old; but how few of those former places can their posterity trace, amid avenues of modern erections; to how few is the old guide-book now a clew! Every age makes its own guide-books, and the old ones are used for waste paper. But there is one Holy GuideBook, Wellingborough, that will never lead you astray, if you but follow it aright; and some noble monuments that remain, though the pyramids crumble.

"But though I rose from the door-step a sadder and a wiser boy, and though my guide-book had been stripped of its reputation for infallibility, I did not treat with contumely or disdain, those sacred pages which had once been a beacon to my sire."

Redburn begins to observe critically the sights of Liverpool and to comment thereupon. His reflections on the draught-horses are quite philosophical:

"Among all the sights of the docks, the noble truckhorses are not the least striking to a stranger. They are large and powerful brutes, with such sleek and glossy coats, that they look as if brushed and put on by a valet every morning. They march with a slow and stately step, lifting their ponderous hoofs like royal Siam elephants. Thou shalt not lay stripes upon the Roman citizens; for their docility is such, they are guided without rein or lash; they go or come, halt or march on, at a whisper. So grave, dignified, gentlemanly, and courteous did the fine truck-horses look-so full of calm intelligence and sagacity, that often I endeavored to get into conversation with them, as they stood in contemplative attitudes while their loads were preparing. But all I could get from them was the mere recognition of a friendly neigh; though I would stake much upon it that, could I have spoken in their language, I would have derived from them a good deal of valuable information touching the docks, where they passed the whole of their dignified lives.

"There are unknown worlds of knowledge in brutes; and whenever you mark a horse, or a dog, with a peculiarly mild, calm, deep-seated eye, be sure he is an Aristotle or a Kant, tranquilly speculating upon the mysteries in man. No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses. They see through us at a glance. And after all, what is a horse, but a species of four-footed dumb man, in a leathern overall, who happens to live upon oats, and toils for his masters, half-requited or abused, like the biped hewers of wood and drawers of water? But there is a touch of divinity even in brutes, and a special halo about a horse, that should forever exempt him from indignities. As for those majestic, magisterial truck-horses of the docks, I would as soon think of striking a judge on the bench, as to lay violent hand upon their holy hides.

leaning, dragging the sail over toward Jackson whose business it was to confine the reef corner to the yard.

"It is wonderful what loads their majesties will conde- | steed; each man griping his reef-point, and sideways scend to draw. The truck is a large square platform, on four low wheels; and upon this the lumpers pile bale after bale of cotton, as if they were filling a large warehouse, and yet a procession of three of these horses will tranquilly walk away with the whole."

We should like to quote the passage descriptive of Redburn's stroll into the country and his evening meal with the hospitable cottager and his three rosy-cheeked daughters, which stands in striking relief to the melodramatic midnight trip to London with Harry Bolton, but we have no room for it. We must be getting back with Redburn on his return voyage with its tragic incidents, one of which we copy, passing by the thrilling transcript of the pestilence in the steerage. Our quotation, (the last we can make,) is the death of Jackson, who has long labored under an incurable consumption.

"Off Cape Cod!" said the steward, coming forward from the quarter-deck, where the captain had just been taking his noon observation; sweeping the vast horizon with his quadrant, like a dandy circumnavigating the dress-circle of an amphitheater with his glass.

"Off Cape Cod! and in the shore-bloom that came to us-even from that desert of sand-hillocks-methought I could almost distinguish the fragrance of the rose-bush my sisters and I had planted, in our far inland garden at

home. Delicious odors are those of our mother Earth; which like a flower-pot set with a thousand shrubs, greets the eager voyager from afar.

"The breeze was stiff, and so drove us along that we turned over two broad, blue furrows from our bows, as we

"His hat and shoes were off; and he rode the yard-arm end, leaning backward to the gale, and pulling at earing. rope, like a bridle. At all times, this is a moment of frantic exertion with sailors, whose spirits seem then to partake of the commotion of the elements, as they hang in the gale, between heaven and earth; and then it is too, that they are the most profane.

"Haul out to windward!' coughed Jackson, with a blasphemous cry, and he threw himself back with a riolent strain upon the bridle in his hand. But the wild words were hardly out of his mouth, when his hands dropped to his side, and the bellying sail was spattered with a torrent of blood from his lungs.

"As the man next him stretched out his arm to save, Jackson fell headlong from the yard, and with a long seethe, plunged like a diver into the sea.

"It was when the ship had rolled to windward, which, with the long projection of the yard-arm over the side, made him strike far out upon the water. His fall was seen by the whole upward-gazing crowd on deck, some the sail, while they raised a spontaneous cry, so shrill and of whom were spotted with the blood that trickled down wild that a blind man might have known something deadly had happened.

gazed down to the one white, bubbling spot, which had "Clutching our reef-points, we hung over the stick, and closed over the head of our shipmate; but the next minute Jackson never arose. We waited a few minutes, expect it was brewed into the common yeast of the waves and

plowed the watery prairie. By night it was a reef-top-ing an order to descend, haul back the fore-yard, and sail-breeze; but so impatient was the captain to make his man the boat; but instead of that, the next sound that port before a shift of wind overtook us, that even yet we greeted us was, 'Bear a hand, and reef away, men!' from the mate. carried a maintop-gallant-sail, though the light mast sprung like a switch.

"Indeed, upon reflection, it would have been idle to at"In the second dog-watch, however, the breeze became tempt to save Jackson; for besides that he must have such, that at last the order was given to douse the top-dead then, the first immersion must have driven his soul been dead, ere he struck the sea-and if he had not been gallant-sail, and clap a reef into all three top-sails.

"While the men were settling away the halyards on from his lacerated lungs-our jolly-boat would have taken deck, and before they had begun to haul out the reef- full fifteen minutes to launch into the waves." tackles, to the surprise of several, Jackson came up from Our readers will be satisfied after the extracts we have the forecastle, and, for the first time in four weeks or more, given that Redburn is no ordinary book. We trust Mr.

took hold of a rope. "Like most seamen, who during the greater part of a alone in future, as a field that he has himself fully ex Melville may write many more such, and let Polynesia voyage, have been off duty from sickness, he was, per-hausted. We have had enough of Babbalanja and the haps. desirous, just previous to entering port, of reminding the captain of his existence, and also that he expect as a young lady who has had her day. anthropopagi generally and we regard la belle sauvage ed his wages; but, alas! his wages proved the wages of sin.

At no time could he better signalize his disposition to work than upon an occasion like the present; which generally attracts every soul on deck, from the captain to the child in the steerage.

"His aspect was damp and death-like; the blue hollows of his eyes were like vaults full of snakes; and issuing 80 unexpectedly from his dark tomb in the forecastle, he looked like a man raised from the dead.

Redburn is for sale by Morris and Brother.

THE MONUMENTS OF EGYPT; or Egypt a Witness for the
Bible. By Francis L. Hawks, D. D., LL. D. With
Notes of a Voyage up the Nile by an American. New
York: George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway. London:
John Murray. M.DCCC.L.

"Before the sailors had made fast the reef-tackle, Jack- Dr. Hawks has rendered a real and valuable service to son was tottering up the rigging; thus getting the start of literature and to religion in the compilation of the present them, and securing his place at the extreme weather-end volume, we say compilation, because he disclaims all of the topsail-yard—which in reefing is accounted the post of honor. For it was one of the characteristics of this man, that though when on duty he would shy away from mere dull work in a calm, yet in tempest-time he always claimed the van, and would yield it to none; and this, perhaps, was one cause of his unbounded dominion over

the men.

"Soon we were all strung along the main-topsail yard; the ship rearing and plunging under us, like a runaway

pretension to originality in the preface. His object has been to collect into a simple and intelligible compend, the results of the research of all the most enlightened explo rers of the wide field of Egyptian archæology. In this design he has been abundantly successful. Indeed no one united in himself so many requisites for the accom plishment of the task as Dr. Hawks. A man of profound learning and most refined taste, he had visited in person the ruins and monuments which are the subject of the

present inquiry, and with their appearance fresh in his | THE PILOT; A Tale of the Sea.
memory, he was peculiarly well fitted to sum up the evi-
dence of earlier visiters. The interest which still invests
the land of the pyramids, and makes the shattered sculp-
tures of Thebes eloquent of a remote grandeur, will ren-
der the labors of Dr. Hawks acceptable to all; while the
Christian world will receive with thanks a learned and
truthful exposition, tending to illustrate and confirm the re-
cord of the Scriptures. Not the least readable portion of
the work is the account of a “Voyage up the Nile" du-
ring 1848 and 1849, by an intelligent American gentleman
whose name is not given.

By the author of "The
Spy," "Pioneers," &c., &c. Revised, corrected, and
Illustrated with a new Introduction, Notes, etc. By the
Author. New York: George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway.

The style of the publication is very excellent, being uniform with "Layard's Nineveh," recently issued from the same establishment. The book is for sale by Nash & Woodhouse.

It is now twenty-six years since the original publication of "The Pilot," and in the mean time, a host of far less worthy volumes has supplied the wants of the reader of romance; so that the new edition will have all the freshness of novelty to the present generation. We know many old gentlemen too, who have declared their intention of reviving their early impressions of Mr. Cooper by reading over his first and best writings, now that they can do so, without fatiguing the eyesight, in the fair, clear print of Mr. Putnam's library copies.

"The Pilot" may be obtained of Messrs. Nash & Woodhouse.

THE FOUR GOSPELS; Arranged as a Practical Family
Commentary, for every day in the Year. By the author
of "The Peep of Day," &c., &c., &c. New York: D.
Appleton & Company, 200 Broadway. Philadelphia :
Geo. S. Appleton, 164 Chestnut street. M.DCCC.L.

ADDRESS "ON THE VALUE OF WRITING," Delivered before the Society of Alumni of the University of Virginia, at their Annual meeting, June 29th 1849. By GEORGE E. DABNEY. Charlottesville: Printed by O. S. Allen and Co. 1849.

It is a proud thing for our State University that, before she has attained a quarter of a century, she can point to such men as Mr. Dabney among her foster-children. It is gratifying, too, to see one who is identified, as it were, with the interests of another institution of learning, recog

It is enough to say of this excellent publication that it comes forth in the beautiful typography of the Appletons and under the editorial auspices of a learned and eloquent divine, the Rev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng, Rector of St. George's Church, New York City. It will be found an instructive companion to the study of that saddest and most touching of all histories narrated in the sublime re-nizing the filial obligation by lending interest to her ancord of the Evangelists.

The book is illustrated with twelve steel engravings and is for sale by Morris & Brother, and Harrold & Murray,

THE HISTORY OF Alfred the Great, by Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York: Harper & Broth


niversary. We had the good fortune to hear the address of Mr. Dabney, which now lies before us in printed form, and the favorable impression made upon us by the happy

manner and musical voice of the orator has been confirmed in the perusal of it. We have seldom seen the "Value of Writing" so clearly and elegantly announced. Mr. Dabney's style is singularly chaste and pure, free from the affectation of "fine-writing" and yet sufficiently adorned with the graces of the rhetorician.

CALIFORNIA. With Wanderings in Peru, Chili and
Polynesia. By Lieut. Wise, U. S. N. New York:
Baker & Scribner. 1849.

Again we congratulate our little friends on their good ortune in having within their reach the story of a great nonarch told in the agreeable style of Mr. Abbott. We have already taken occasion to express ourselves in warm erms of praise with regard to Mr. Abbott's historical seies, and can only say of the present volume that it is, in all respects, excellent. We are not surprised to learn that he sale of these histories has been unprecedented. We have an objection to make, in limine, to the volume The History of Alfred the Great may be obtained of read in the preface that Los Gringos is the Anglo-Spanbefore us, of a very serious nature, that whereas having

Morris & Brother.

EVENINGS AT WOODLAWN, By Mrs. Ellett, author of "The Women of the Revolution." New York: Baker

and Scribner. 1849.

ish designation for greenhorns, we proceeded in the confident expectation of being amused with the blunders and escapades of a land-lubber at sea and in "foreign parts," and found only a very graphic and entertaining account of the adventures of a naval officer who was not green at all, but on the contrary exceedingly sharp and possessing a charming insouciance the wide world over. Lieut. Wise We have here an agreeable collection of German le. we should take to be a capital compagnon du voyage, full gends, introduced to us through the medium of a pleasant the emergencies of service, ready to clear decks either for of animal spirits under all circumstances, prepared for all *ittle fiction, which supposes them to have been read out o the family circle of the Guions at Woodlawn, by a ceran engagement or a bal dansè, and not backward in paytain Professor Azele, deeply versed in continental litera-ing his devoirs, (if we may be pardoned another Galliture. The translations are very spirited and faithful, emcism,) to the softer sex bracing selections from Grimm, Hoffman, La Motte Fouqué and other distinguished German writers. Mrs. Ellet, who is one of our most entertaining writers, will receive the thanks of all those who read to be amused, for her presdent tasteful addition to the domain of English fiction. For sale by Morris & Brother.

-from China to Peru.

We have spent some pleasant moments in the perusal of his volume, which is written in a careless, conversational, unambitious quarter-deck style that one cannot except to even in the most critical mood. A vast deal of useful

Knowledge for the year 1850. Boston: Charles C. Lit tle and James Brown.

knowledge may be gathered from Lieut. Wise's narrative | THE AMERICAN ALMANAC and Repository of Useful relating to California and the islands of the Pacific, and we think the author fairly entitled to the praise awarded by Horace to him who mixes the agreeable with the instructive.

The book is for sale by Morris & Brother.

The character of this most excellent publication is wel! set forth in the title. It is a "Repository of Useful Knowledge for the year 1850" containing not merely the ordinary astronomical calculations of Almanacs, but every thing in the way of statistics that is desirable to know of the commercial interests of the country, together with accurate lists of the officers of Government in the De

the posture of our foreign relations, etc., etc. No one who

wishes to have at hand the most reliable facts in connec

THE SACRED POETS OF ENGLAND AND AMERICA, From the Earliest to the Present Time. Edited by Rufus W. Griswold. Illustrated with Fine Steel Engravings.partments of State, War, Treasury, Navy and Interior, New York: D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. 1850. We are glad to see a new and improved edition of this tasteful compilation. The devotional poetry it contains has been selected with great judgment by Dr. Griswold, and the typography and embellishments of the volume are very beautiful.

It may be obtained at the bookstores of Nash & Woodhouse, Harrold & Murray, and Morris & Brother.

tion with the progress of the United States should be without this valuable compendium. Persons residing in the country can obtain it free of postage by remitting one Dollar to the publishers, Little and Brown, Boston. Morris & Brother have it for sale in Richmond.

THE JEFFERSON MONUMENT MAGAZINE. Conducted by the Students of the University of Virginia. November, 1849. Charlottesville, Va. James Alexander.

Delivered before the Cadet's Bible Society of the Vir
ginia Military Institute, May 1st, 1849. By B. M.
Smith, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Staunter
Va. New York: John Wiley, 161 Broadway. 18
This is a short and well written address. It present
consideration of the world, as a book of history, a teacher
in rapid view the claims of the sacred volume upor
of great principles, a conservator of human interests and
a patron of learning. Mr. Smith has done well in cor
senting to the publication of this address which he tes
us in the preface was written with no view to its appear |
ance in print.


The November number of this neat little publication is before us. We have looked over its contents with some care, and so far as we are able to judge, it exhibits a gratifying improvement upon either of the former magazines "conducted by the Students of the University." We hope that this work, which is prosecuted for the laudable purpose of providing a fund for the erection of a monument to the "Father" of the institution, will, in reality as in name, be "conducted by the Students of the University" and not merely by a few designated as the Editorial Committee. We well recollect, (and we must say, hæc memini non juvat,) that in the days of the Collegian, it was the habit of the body of the students to leave the entire work of the magazine to the five unhappy individuals who had been chosen as Editors, and to play the critic upon their The want of such a publication as this has long been performances afterwards, as each monthly number ap- felt. The Southern and Western traveller will find th peared. We trust our successors will manage these things Guide a most valuable vade mecum, containing the fullest better. Among three hundred and twenty young gentle- and latest intelligence of the routes of travel, with exce men engaged in the study of the liberal sciences, (we re- lent maps of all the principal cities and rivers. It is p joice at this large number,) there should certainly be tal-lished at a very moderate price and may hafidhed aft ent enough to make a monthly magazine of the highest the bookstores. excellence.

The articles in the present number of the "Jefferson Monument Magazine" are varied and pleasing. We are glad to see in it a just and discriminating review of the poems of P. P. Cooke.

York: D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. 1849.


GEORGE P. PUTNAM has issued the first volume of t promised edition of Goldsmith's Miscellaneous Wors and "The Neighbors," the first volume of a new editic Miss Bremer's works, published under the immediate > perintendence of the charming Swedish novelist herse THE OLD WORLD: Or Scenes and Cities in Foreign Both of these books are of the choicest description as Lands. By William Furniss. New York: D. Apple-gards typography and outward appearance. “The Nei ton & Co. 200 Broadway. 1849. bors" contains an original preface, written by Miss B So much have been written on the subject of European mer, during her recent visit to Mr. Downing at Newbar travel of late years that the success of a work of this on the Hudson, together with a handsome portrait a character depends altogether upon the point of view from autograph. It is enough to say of the edition of G which the author regards the countries described. Mr. smith, that it is the only complete one ever published, Furniss seems to have gone over the route, as Cæsar went much to be preferred in externals to any from the presse into Gaul, summa diligentia, with great haste, and also, of London or Paris. as the old joke renders it, on the top of a diligence. His sketches, however, are agreeable and never tire the reader. The work is well-printed and embellished with wood-cuts and an excellent map of Europe.

We are indebted to the obliging Richmond agen Messrs. Nash & Woodhouse, for copies of Blackwood For sale by Morris & Brother, Nash & Woodhouse, Magazine and the Foreign Reviews, for the October çü and Harrold & Murray.


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