and among the birds he must look after the perchers, climbers, waders and swimmers. The frog, the fish, the earthworm, the oyster must be studied with reference to the adap tation of structure to environment. He must post himself on the structure, digestive organs and food of man and their relation to life, on respiration and circulation, the functions and structure of the human skin, relations of food and drink to muscle and bone, dissemination and germination of weeds. Of seeds and flowers he must talk of calyx, corolla, sepals, petals, stamens, pistils and pollen. "Since he is now out of the primary school and in the grammar school, these things are not quite so difficult, but after taking a dash at the description of quartz, limestone, mica, gypsum, feldspar, granite he must give the story which fossils tell, note in excavations and railroad cuts the order of deposition and the striate on boulders, make special study of coal and give proof of its vegetable origin and tell of the different kinds, study peat bogs and coal digging, study the use of gold, silver, copper, sulphur, hematite, halite and gaienite. "When he has completed this course he must wonder what on earth he will have to do when he reaches the high school." STATE CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS [Summary made up from the minutes of the Secretary, Mrs. Cotton Mather, Hillsboro, O.] The first Conference of Presidents and Members of Boards of Education was held in Columbus, January 11 and 12, 1898. The meeting was called to order by President Frank Rathmell of the Columbus Board of Education who introduced Mayor Black of Colum bus, who extended a cordial welcome to the visiting delegates. He was followed by State School Commissioner O. T. Corson, who spoke at some length regarding the magnitude and importance of public education and the necessity of a strong educational sentiment in order that good schools may be secured. The temporary organization consisted of J. M. Weaver of Dayton, President and Mrs. Cotton Mather of Hillsboro, Secretary. After this organization was effected, Supt. W. H. Cole of Marysville read a very interesting and helpful paper on "The School Library, Its Scope and Value." "Should the Length of Terms of Members of Boards of Education be Extended: Say to Four and Eight Years?" was the subject of an address by S. F. Secrest of Chillicothe in which he favored such extension. The permanent organization was then effected by electing Capt. E. R. Montfort of Cincinnati, President, and Mrs. Cotton Mather of Hillsboro, Secretary. J. M. Weaver of Dayton followed in an address on "What is the Best Method of Electing Members of Boards of Education?" in which he urged that such election should be at large instead of by wards. A general discussion followed this in dicating quite a difference of sentiment. At the evening session President James H. Canfield of the Ohio State University delivered an address on "What Shall be the Extent and Organization of State Education?" The morning session of the second day onened with an exhaustive paper by Martin A. Gemuender of Columbus on "Shall the State Levy te Superseded by an Increased Local Levy?" in which he recommended that such change should be made. This paper was followed by an eloquent and helpful address by Dr. E. E. White on "School Administration." He made an earnest appeal for the children of the State to the end that the best educational advantages should be guaranteed to all. The afternoon session opened with a general discussion of the law granting the right of suffrage to women at school elections, and a resolution opposing any attempt to repeal such law was unanimously adopted. The next paper was read by W. J. Whitworth of Youngstown on "Are Forty Weeks of School Desirable?" The paper did not favor a lengthened school year. "Should Manual Training (for Boys), and Domestic Science (for Girls) be Introduced into the High Schools?" was discussed by A. F. Munson of Zanesville who favored such introduction. ever, to state in this connection that the first suggestion of the Conference was made by Supt. John A. Long of Chillicothe. William George Bruce of the Milwaukee School Board Journal was present at all the sessions and the full proceedings of the Conference will appear in the next issue of his Journal. THE CHATTANOOGA MEETING. President N. C. Schaeffer, of the Department of Superintendence of the N. E. A.. writes that the arrangements for the Chattanooga meeting, to be held February 22, 23 and 24, are about completed. The Southeastern Passenger Association has granted a rate of one fare for the round trip; tickets good for the going trip February 20, 21 and 22, and for return until February 28. The Central Passenger Association has granted the same rate; tickets good for the going trip February 20 and 21, and for return until February 25. All tickets must be stamped and counter-signed at Chattanooga before return. Special attention is called to the advertisements of the Big Four and Queen and Crescent Routes found in this issue of the MONTHLY. Direct connections can be made in Cincinnati for either of the through trains leaving there for Chattanooga. The schedule is as follows: Leave Cincinnati 8:30 a. m. and arrive at Chattanooga 5:55 p. m. of the same day; or leave Cincinnati 8:00 p. m. and arrive at Chattanooga 7:45 a. m. the next day. Persons who can find it convenient to reach Cincinnati in time to take the morning train February 21 will have the great pleasure of passing through through the beautiful scenery on the Q. & C. Route by daylight, reaching Chattanooga in the evening of the same day. Those who can not start early enough to make this connection, can go through on the night train, reaching Chattanooga in plenty of time for the opening session at 9:30 a. m., February 22. 22. The railroad rates are low, the hotel accommodations are ample, the season of the year for the trip is desirable, and the meeting is important. All of these inducements should guarantee a large attendance. In addition to the above, Ohio has a special reason for sending a large delegation in the fact that it is the intention to bring the next meeting to our own capital city of Columbus, if possible. If Ohio does her duty there can be no doubt as to the result. Make your arrangements to go in order that you may enjoy the pleasure and profit of the meeting, and also that you may aid in securing it for Ohio next year. In the following pages will be found full and complete information regarding program, hotel rates, etc.: TUESDAY EVENING. 8 o'clock (in the New Auditorium). Report of Committee on Elementary Schools John Dewey, Chicago, Ill., Chairman; W. N. Hailman, Washington, D. C.; S. T. Dutton, Brookline, Mass.; L. H. Jones, Cleveland, Ohio; Miss Sarah C. Brooks, St. Paul, Minn.; Miss Sarah L. Arnold, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Alice H. Putnam, Chicago, Ill. The Mission of the Elementary School Martin G. Brumbaugh, Professor Pedagogy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Discussion. WEDNESDAY MORNING. 9:30 o'clock (in the New Auditorium). What can Child Study Contribute to the Science of Education? Papers by Prof. J. P. Gordy, Columbus, Ohio; Prof. R. P. Halleck, Louisville, Ky. Discussion Led by Chas. H. Keyes, Holyoke, Mass.; Chas. O. Hoyt, Ypsilanti, Mich.; I. W. McAdory, Birmingham, Ala. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. 2:30 o'clock (in the New Auditorium). Conference on School Hygiene Conducted by Supt. G. V. Buchanan, Sedalia, Mo. 1. Lighting and Seating of School Rooms. (Paper 20 minutes) by Dr. W. A. Mowry, Hyde Park, Mass. Ten minute discussion by Supt. F. Louis Soldan, St. Louis, Mo., and Supt. J. R. Preston, Water Valley, Miss. 2. Ventilation of School Rooms. (Paper 20 minutes) by Asst. Supt. A. P. Marble, New York City. Ten minute discussions by State Supt. S. M. Inglis, Springfield, Ill., and Supt. J. L. Holloway, Fort Smith, Ark, John Mac Executive Committee. Donald, Topeka, Pres.; William G. Smith, Minneapolis, Sec'y; George P. Brown, Bloomington, Treas; Edward L. Kellogg, New York; Silas Y. Gillan, Milwaukee. "The Scope of Educational Journalism" George P. Brown, editor "Public School Journal", Bloomington, Ill. Discussion Led by C. W. Bardeen, editor "School Bulletin," Syracuse, N. Y.; Ossian H. Lang, "School Journal," New York; G. R. Glenn, State School Commissioner of Georgia, editor "Southern Educational Journal," Atlanta; A. E. Winship, editor "Journal of Education," Boston, Mass.; O. T. Corson, State School Commissioner of Ohio, editor "Ohio Educational Monthly." "Best Ways to Secure Subscriptions" S. Y. Gillan, editor "Western Teacher," Milwaukee, Wis. Discussion C. M. Parker, editor "School News," Taylorville, Ills.; H. M. Pattengill, editor "School Moder |