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Copy, and fill the blanks in the sentences with abbreviations.

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Dictation.- "The life of many a shepherd among the Highlands of Scotland has been saved by his collie. The shepherd, finding himself lost in snow or fog, turns to his dog, and orders him to be off home.' He must speak in a peremptory tone, almost angrily, perhaps, else the faithful animal will not leave him. He does leave him at last, however, with hanging head and tail. The shepherd notes the direction and follows."

To the Teacher.-Let the pupils describe any of the dogs that they have seen, and tell stories showing the intelligence, fidelity, and bravery of dogs.


Write the sentences, choosing the right word.

The past is not (holy, wholly) (vane, vain, vein), if rising on its (wrecks, recks) to something nobler (we, wee) attain.Longfellow. In the morning (sow, sew) thy (seed, cede).— Bible. Then he said, "Good (knight, night)," and with muffled (o'er, oar, ore), silently (road, rowed, rode) to the Charlestown shore.-Longfellow. The heaviest (dews, dues) fall on clear (nights, knights). The (pale, pail) light of the moon is the reflection of the (son's, sun's) light. "(There, Their) graves are green; they may be (scene, seen)," the little (made, maid) replied.— Wordsworth.

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Dictation.—The Congo Free State is in Central Africa. It is one-third the size of the United States. It is drained by the Congo River, one of the largest rivers in the world. The soil is fertile. Coffee and cotton grow wild. About 25,000,000 negroes live there. Some of them live in stone houses and cultivate the ground. Ivory has been their chief export. A race of dwarfs, or pygmies, is also found in the Congo forests. They are skillful hunters, digging pits to entrap elephants and hippopotami. They use poisoned arrows in warfare.

Pronunciation.—1 brōch ; 2 krē’tår ; 3 shå grin' or shå grẽn'; ♦ bělílŭs.

248-Superscription of a Letter

Col. G. B. Warren.
16 Broad St.


Draw three envelopes and address each as below, using abbreviations.

Doctor Nathan Smith Lincoln, 1514 H Street, Washington, District of Columbia.

Mister James Russell Lowell, Elmwood Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Professor Robert Lee, 9 Lake Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.


elk, lynx, mole, toad, zebra, chamois (shăm’mỹ), rac coon, i'bex, mär'mot, jack'al, por'cu pine, ga zelle', musk'rat, hy e'na, car'i bou, o pos'sum, chim pǎn'zee, guinea-pig, rhi noc'e ros, bab oon'.

250-The Camel

Dictation.—The camel is called "the ship of the desert.” Without it the great deserts could not be crossed. Its broad, clumsy feet do not sink in the sand. Its eyes and nostrils are protected from the sand-storms. The camel's hump is a store house of fat, which furnishes food. The stomach is so formed that it can carry enough water to last a week.

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In the elder days of Art,

Builders wrought with greatest care

Each minute and unseen part;

For the gods see everywhere.-Longfellow.

Copy, learn, and recite.


The plants and animals of Australia are singular.

Some of the trees shed their bark instead of their leaves. The leaves are narrow and turn the edge towards the ground, so there is very little shade. The kangaroo is the largest animal. The mother carries her young in a pouch under her body until they are old enough to take care of themselves.

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Write in vertical columns: names | what | where.

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From our ancestors come our names, but from our virtues, Manners often make fortunes.

our honors.

Dare to be true; nothing can need a lie;

A fault which needs it most grows two thereby.

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Pronunciation.—1 bō'nās ā'riz; 2 mä rä zhō'; 'ğwi ä kēl’.

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