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Stoker; the Auditor College Historical Society; the Auditor College Theological Society; Arthur Patton (Ex-Pres.); Auditor Law Students' Debating Society; Auditor University Shakspere Society; D. Malins; R. Courtenay; John Falconer; Brougham Leech, Professor of International Law, T.C.D.; J. C. Bloomfield; J. H. Maxwell; R. R. H. Durham; W. M'Cay, F. T. C.; Rev. D. M'Kee; J. Rawson Carroll; T. W. Deane; Bindon Stoney.

The President, Mr. T. S. Frank Battersby (Sen. Mod.), B.A., delivered the Inaugural Address, after which it was moved by P. J. Smyth, Esq., M. P., and seconded by C. H. Hemphill, Esq., Q.C. :—

"That the best thanks of the Society are due to the President for his Address, and that it be printed at the expense of the Society." The Resolution having been put to the Meeting, was carried unanimously.

It was then moved by Professor G. Armstrong (ExPresident), and seconded by A. M. Porter, Esq., Q.C.:"That the Philosophical Society is worthy of the support of the Students of this University."

The Resolution was carried unanimously.

The Chairman then awarded the Society's prizes as follows :—


The President's Gold Medal, A. R. Eager, B. A.

The Society's Silver Medal,.


William Wilkins (Univ. Stu-
dent), B.A.

J. W. Joynt (Univ. Student),
B.A.; T. S. F. Battersby,
B.A., President.


The Society's Silver Medal,. J. W. Joynt, B.A., U. S.

First Certificate,.

Second Certificate,

G. D. Burtchaell, LL. B.

A. S. Findlater (Ex-Sec.), B.A.

The marked thanks of the Society was awarded to Messrs. A. R. Eager, C. E. Osborne, B. C. Windle, H. W. Harris, and T. S. F. Battersby.

The Right Hon. the Attorney General having been called to the second Chair, a vote of thanks to Baron Dowse, and the distinguished visitors who honoured the Meeting with their presence-was proposed by J. Ross (Sch.), B.A., Auditor of the College Historical Society, seconded by Dr. K. Franks (Ex. Sec.), and was carried unanimously.

Baron Dowse having replied, the Meeting adjourned.




Y first duty this evening is, most sincerely and heartily, to thank the Members of the Philosophical Society for the honour they have con-ferred upon me by electing me as their President.

When I look back upon the distinguished roll of those who have already occupied the Chair, I feel how unworthy I am to fill the position they held; and I can only hope to show my appreciation of the trust committed to me by endeavouring fully to sustain the prestige of the Society, knowing, as I do, that my present position is due rather to my past services on behalf of it than to any personal merit.

I have also the agreeable task of congratulating the outgoing President, Mr. John Ross, on the very prosperous condition of the Society during his year of office. I may safely affirm that our progress during the past session has been


unequalled in the modern history of any College Society. At the last opening meeting no fewer than one hundred gentlemen were proposed for Membership. Later on, our numbers were immensely strengthened by the amalgamation with us of the University Reading Rooms Society; and by the addition of their fine apartments to our own, we can now boast of by far the largest suite of rooms in College. This was a measure of great importance not alone to the two interested Societies, but to all those who see in it the first step in the general amalgamation of all our College Societies on the plan of that system which, under the title of the Union, has been found to work with such immense success in the sister Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

The attendance at our meetings is unexampled in our annals, as many as one hundred being entered as present when topics of more than ordinary interest were under discussion. And here I must, on behalf of the Society, return thanks to the many honorary members and strangers who took part in our meetings, and thereby contributed to raise the tone of both papers and discussions, and trust we shall see them still more frequently during the current session, and in increasing numbers.

The essays have been marked by variety in the choice of subject, carefulness in style and composition, and originality in the methods of treat


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We have broken away from the shackles of Poetry and Biography which so long held us in thrall, and, without absolutely casting them from us, have rendered them subservient to more Philosophic subjects Science, Ethics, Metaphysics, History, Literature, and Antiquities equally occupying our attention. The speaking was above the average, both in quantity and quality-the younger members especially showing more confidence, and being less fearful than formerly of trusting themselves upon the untried


The Board have manifested their continued interest by providing better accommodation for the purposes of debate-a kindness which is fully appreciated.

Lastly, the thanks of the Society are due to Professors George Armstrong and Edward Dowden, who kindly acted as Examiners for the Esthetic Medal, as well as to Professor Mahaffy and Dr. Tarleton, who undertook the arduous task of examining the essays which competed for the Society's medal in Composition.

I cannot conclude this review of last year's history without alluding to an event which has caused the deepest regret among students of every grade in the University, and especially among our own ranks-the death of Dr. Longfield. He always manifested the most friendly feelings towards the Society, and his kindly in

fluence was exerted, but a short time before his decease, to procure for us additional comforts in the rooms. We feel that by his death the College has lost a brilliant scholar, and ourselves a valued friend.

The subject which I have selected for my address this evening is the consideration of the Social Progress made by Ireland since the commencement of this century. It was my choice for various reasons, but chiefly because I conceive that an address upon an occasion like this should not alone be philosophic in character, but in addition, be of such a nature as to enlist the sympathies and attention of a large audience, and elicit a free and vigorous discussion from the speakers who will be called upon to address you.

The birth and growth of a community-its gradual evolution from the rudest germ to the most perfect condition of strength-must always form a spectacle of the greatest interest not alone to the historian, but also to the politician and philosopher. It must necessarily occupy the attention of those who have at heart the amelioration of the human race, and who seek for the golden age not in the dim and misty past, but in that brightening future to which we are pursuing a slow but steady course. There are but few, indeed, who possess the necessary insight into the constitution and development of society, owing to the difficulty of obtaining a full and comprehen

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