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THE Completion of another Volume of our Connexional Magazine gives us the opportunity of surveying the labours of the year now closing, and of recording our gratitude for the general favour with which they have been received.

On reviewing the parts as they have appeared month by month, it is confidently believed that they will be found to fully redeem the promises made in the prospectus by which they were preceded; and thus sustain us in the appeal we now respectfully make for continued, and yet more extended, support.

We shall proceed on the same lines as heretofore, only striving to lead our people, by the light of unerring Truth, in the King's Highway of Holiness, to service which is perfect freedom, and towards a Heavenly Home, in which many loved ones are already gathered, and with which our fondest thoughts and most cherished associations are tenderly connected.

Original Papers on Important Topics-intended not to supersede thought, but to stimulate it; Sunday School Questions, demanding present discussion; Connexional Problems, requiring solution; Church Enterprises, deserving to be chronicled; New Books, likely to be useful to preachers or people, noticed; and Memoirs of departed Friends-these subjects, and others, as found helpful to the main purpose of Denominational Literature, will be given, with an earnest and prayerful desire to keep side by side with the worthy workers in all other departments of Connexional Service, and to take our full share of the toil we conjointly accept under the Great Master's authority, in His blessed name, and only for His glory!

To our many helpers in the past our cordial thanks are hereby given; for literary assistance, and active canvass for subscribers in future, we strongly appeal; and that our stewardship arduous, trying, discouraging beyond description as it is, at times-may be so held and exercised, as that it may secure the "Well done" of the Lord, the righteous Judge, is the supreme wish of

54, Bramber Road, London, S.W.

December 1, 1883.


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