A N EXPOSITION ON THE BOOK O F COMMON PRAYER, And ADMINISTRATION of the SACRAMENT S, AND OTHER Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the USE of The Church of England: Together with the PSALTER or PSALMS of DAVID, Pointed as they are to be fung or faid in Churches ; MATTINS. Ifaiah 5 25 30 Proper LESSONS to be read at MORNING and EVENING PRAYER, On the Sundays throughout the Year. Sundays of Advent. The first. 2 : Deuteronomy 4 Deuteronomy 5 CALENDAR. This takes its name from the Latin Word Calenda which fignified the firft Day of every Month amongst the Romans; and which is derived from the Greek Word caleo to call because as the Romans antiently counted their Months by the Motion of the Moon, they had a Priest appointed, to obferve the times of the new Moon who when he had feen it, gave Notice to the President of the Sacrifices, who called the People together, and declared to them how they were to reckon the Days until the Nones (which were the 7th Days of March, May, July, and Aober; and the 5th of the rest of the Months) pronouncing aloud Caleo five Times if the Nones happened on the fifth Day; or seven times, if they happened on the 7th Day of the Month. The defign of the Calendar before the Common Prayer is to fhew on what Days of each Month the Fafts and Festivals of the Church are to be kept: and what Por. tions of the Scriptures are to be read every Day, Morning and Evening throughout the Year. The Leffons for Sundays and Holy-days are mentioned feparately in the firft Table: and the rest are placed in a Line die Etly oppofite to the Day of the Month on which they are to be Read. *This Month takes its name from Janus, of whom it is related, that he knew things paft and to come; and therefore they reprefented him with two Faces, and deified him after his death. This Deity the Romans established to bear Rule at all Beginnings.' + Note, that Exodus 6, is to be read only to ver. 14. B |