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You must drink as much after an egg as after an or.

This is a fond and ungrounded old saying.

Light suppers make clean sheets.

He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. Fr.

I look upon this as a very good observation, and should advise all persons not to go to bed with their stomachs full of wine, beer, or any other liquor. For (as the ingenious Doctor Lower observes) nothing can be more injurious to the brain; of which he gives a most rational and true account, which take in his words. Cum enim propter proclivem corporis situm urina à renibus secreta non ità facilè & promptè uti cùm erecti sumus in vesicam per ureteres delabatur. Cùmque vesica cervix ex proclivi situ urinæ pondere non adeò gravetur; atque spiritibus per somnum in cerebrum aggregatis & quiescentibus, vesica oneris ejus sensum non ità percipiat, sed officii quasi oblita ea copiû urinæ aliquando distenditur, ut majori recipiendæ spatium vix detur inde fit ut propter impeditum per renes ureteres urinæ decursum in totum corpus regurgitet, & nisi diarrhea proximo mane succedat, aut nocturno sudore evacuetur, in cerebrum deponi debet. Tract de Corde. co. ii. p. 141. Qui couche avec la soif se leve avec la santè.

One hour's sleep before midnight is worth two hours after.

For the sun being the life of this sublunary world, whose heat causes and continues the motion of all terrestrial animals, when he is farthest off, that is about midnight, the spirits of themselves are aptest to rest and compose, so that the middle of the night must needs be the most proper time to sleep in, especially if we consider the great expense of spirits in the day time, partly by the heat of the afternoon, and partly by labour, and the constant exercise of all the senses: wherefore then to wake is to put the spirits in motion, when there are fewest of them, and they naturally most luggish and unfit for it.

Who goes to bed supperless, all night tumbles and tosses.

This is an Italian proverb: Chi va a letto senza cena, tutta notte si dimena. That is, if a man go to bed hungry, otherwise, he that eats a plentiful dinner, may well afford to go to bed supperless, unless he hath used some strong bodily labour or exercise. Certainly it is not good to go to one's rest till the stomach be well emptied; that is, if we eat suppers, till two hours at least after supper. For (as the old physicians tell us) though the second and third concoctions be best performed in sleep, yet the first is father disturbed and perverted. If it be objected, that labouring people do not observe such rule, but do both go to bed presently after supper, and to work after dinner, yet who more healthful than they; I answer, that the case is different; for though by such practice they do turn the meat out of their stomachs before full and perfect concoction, and so multiply crude humours, yet they work and sweat them out again, which students and sedentary persons do not. Indeed, some men, who have a speedy concoction, and hot brains, must, to procure sleep, eat something at night which may send up gentle vapours into the head, and compose the spirits. Chi ben cena ben dorma.-Ital. The Portuguese, on the contrary, say, Se.

queres enfermar, cea, & varte deitar: If you would be ill, sup, and then go to sleep.

Often and little eating makes a man fat.

Fish must swim thrice.

Once in the water, a second time in the sauce, and a third time in wine in the stomach. Poisson, goret et cochon vit en l'eau, et meurt en vin.1 r. Fish and swine, live in water, and die in wine.

Drink wine, and have the gout; drink no wine, and have the gout too.

With this saying, intemperate persons, that have or fear the gout, encourage themselves to proceed in drinking wine notwithstanding. Young men's knocks old men feel.

Quæ peccamus juvenes ea luimus senes.

Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark.

Early to bed, and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Wash your hands often, your feet seldom, and your head


Eat at pleasure, drink by measure.

This is a French proverb. Pain tant qu'il dure, vin à mesure; and they themselves observe it; for no people eat more bread, nor indeed have better to eat: And for wine, the most of them drink it well diluted, and never to any excess, that I could observe. The Italians have this saying likewise, Pan mentre dura, ma vin à misura.

Cheese it is a peevish elf;

It digests all things but itself.

This is a translation of that old rhyming Latin verse, Caseus est nequàm quia digerit omnia sequàm.


you would have a good cheese, and have'n old, You must turn'n seven times before he is cold.


The best physicians are, Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merry


This is nothing but that distich of the Schola Salernitana translated.

Si tibi deficiant medici tibi fiant

Hæc tria: mens læta, requies, moderata diæta.

Drink in the morning staring,

Then all the day be sparing.

Eat a bit before

you drink.

Feed sparingly, and defy the physician.
Better be meals many, than one too merry.
You should never touch your eye but with

[blocks in formation]

patitur ludum fama, fides, oculus. El mal del ojo curarle con el codo.



Parsley fried will bring a man to his saddle, and a woman tɔ

her grave.

I know not the reason of this proverb. Parsley was wont to be esteemed a very wholesome herb, however prepared; only by the ancients it was forbidden them that had the falling sickness; and modern experience hath found it to be bad for the eyes.


TENEZ chaud le pied & la tete, au demeurant vivez en bete. Which Mr. Cotgrave thus translates: The head and feet kept warm, the rest will take no harm.

Jeune chair & vieil poisson. i. e. Young flesh and old fish are best.

Qui vin ne boit apres salade, est en danger d'etre malade. i. e.

He that drinks not wine after salad is in danger of being sick. Di giorni quanto voi, di notte quanto poi. i. e. Cover your head by day as much as you will, by night as much as you


Il pesce guasta l'acqua, la carne la concia. i. e. Fish spoils water, but flesh mends it.

Pome, pere, & noce guastano la voce. i. e. Apples, pears and nuts spoil the voice.

Febbre quartana ammazza i vecchii, & i giovani risana. i. e. A quartan ague kills old men, and heals young.

Pesce, oglio, & amico vecchio. i. e. Old fiish, old oil, and an old friend are the best.

Vitello, polastro, & pesce crudo, ingrassano i cimeterii.

i. e.

Raw pulleyn, veal, and fish make the churchyards fat. Vino di mezzo, oglio di sopra, & mele di sotto. i. e. Of wine

the middle, of oil the top, and of honey the bottom, is best. Macrob. Saturn. lib. 7, c. 12. Quæro igitur, Cur oleum quod in summo est, vinum quod in medio, mel quod in fundo optimum esse credantur. Nec cunctatus Disarius ait, mel quod optimum est reliquo ponderosius est. In vase igitur mellis pars quæ in imo est reliquis præstat pondere, & ideo supernatante pretiosior est. Contra in vase vini pars inferior admixtione fæcis non modò turbulenta, sed et sapore deterior est, pars verò summa aëris vic nið xrrumpitur. &c.

Aria di finestra colpo di balestra. i. e. The air of a window is as the stroke of a cross-bow,

Asciuto il piede, calda la testa, e del resto vive da bestia. i. e. Keep your feet dry, and your head hot; and for the rest, live like a beast.

Piscia chiaro, & incaca al medico. i. e. Piss clear, and defy the physician.

Apres la poire, ou le vin ou le prétre. i. e. After pear, wine or the priest.

Sobre melon, vino fellon. i. e. After melon, wine is a felon. Quien hurta la cena al viejo no le haze agravio. i. e. Who steals an old man's supper does him no wrong.

Que ha la gota el medico no vee gota.

the gout, the physiciar is but a lout.

i. e. With respect to

"Tis good to walk till the blood appears on the cheek, but not the sweat on the brow. Span.


JANIVEER freeze the pot by the fire.
If the grass grow in Janiveer,

It grows the worse for't all the year.

There is no general rule without some exception; for in the year 1667 the winter was so mild, that the pastures were very green in January, yet was there scarcely ever known a more plentiful crop of hay than the summer following.

Who in Janiveer sows oats, gets gold and groats,

Who sows in May, gets little that way.

If Janiveer calends be summerly gay,

'Twill be winterly weather 'till the calends of May. If one but knew how good it were

To eat a pullet in Janiveer,

If he had twenty in a flock,

He'd leave but one to go with cock.

On Candlemas-day throw candle and candle-stick away.
When Cardlemas-day is come and gone,

The snow lies on a hot stone.

February fill dike, be it black or be it white;

But if it be white, it's the better to like.

Pluye de Februier vaut egout de fumier.-Fr. Snow brings a double advantage: it not only preserves the corn from the bitterness of the frost and cold, but enriches the ground by reason of the nitrous salt which it is supposed to contain. I have observed the Alps, and other high mountains, covered all the winter with snow, soon after it is melted, to become like a garden, so full of luxuriant plants, and variety of flowers.. It is worth the noting, that mountainous plants are for the most part larger than those of the same genus which grow in lower grounds; and that these snowy mountains afford greater variety of species than plain countries.

Februeer doth cut and shear.

All the months in the year curse a fair Februeer: or thus,

The Welchman had rather see his dam on the bier,

Than to see a fair Februeer.

Some say,

The hind had as lief see his wife on the bier,

As that Candlemass-day should be pleasant and clear. February makes a bridge, and March breaks it.

March in Janiveer, Janiveer in March I fear.

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