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[The seven volumes preceding the present are incorrectly numbered: instead of being volumes ccxl. to ccxlvi., they should be ccxlii. to ccxlviii. The present volume is correctly described as the Two Hundred and Fortyninth from the commencement of the Magazine in 1731.]


About Nothing. By W. E. NORRIS

Aerial Exploration of the Arctic Regions. By W. MATTIEU


Among the Sugar-canes. By REDSPINNER

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Canada, The Fishes of. By ALFRED RIMMER

Captive, The, of Castile. By ALEX. C. EWALD, F.S.A.

Charles Kean. By DUTTON COOK.

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Charles Kingsley as a Fisherman. By Rev. M. G. WATKINS, M.A. 671
City of the Saints, In the. By IZA DUFFUS HARDY
Court Rolls. By JOHN AMPHLETT.

Cremorne to Westminster, From. By PERCY FITZGERALD
Czarina Anne, The. By JAMES FORFAR

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Dryden, A Relic of. By ALGERNON C. SWINBURNE


Eclipse, The, of Shakespeare. By DUTTON COOK.

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Fasting, The Philosophy of. By BENJAMIN W. RICHARDSON, M.D. 348
Felix, Rachel. By DUTTON Cook.


Fishes, The, of Canada. By ALFRED RIMMER


Folk-Lore, The, of the Moon. By T. F. THISELTON DYER

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Holiday, A Scotch. By Rev. M. G. WATKINS, M.A.

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Hospitaller Work at St. John's Gate in 1880. By Major FRANCIS

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In the City of the Saints. By IZA DUFFUS HARDY
Kean, Charles. By DUTTON COOK.

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Kernel, A Perished. By ALEX. C. EWALD, F.S.A..
Kingsley, Charles, as a Fisherman. By Rev. M. G. WATKINS, M.A. 671
Likenesses, The Science of, and its Meanings. By ANDREW

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Rachel Felix. By DUTTON Cook .

Relic, A, of Dryden. By ALGERNON C. SWINBURNE

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St. John's Gate in 1880, Hospitaller Work at. By Major FRANCIS



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Saints, In the City of the, By IZA DUFFUS HARDY

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Science Notes. By W. MATTIEU WILLIAMS, F.R.A.S. :
Introductory Note-A New Development of Photography-
Arctic Ballooning-A Steam-engine Worked by the Sun-
Balloon Photographs-Geological Convulsions-Eye-Memory
-The Under Crust of the Earth-The Immateriality of Matter
-Unpleasant Researches-The Muscular Education of Animals
-A New Vinegar-Sunshine and Railway Accidents
Chemical Transformations-The World's Growth-Mineral Ana-
tomy-The New Branch of the British Museum-The Earth's
Magnetism-The "Darwinian" Theory-An Unsuccessful At-
tempt at Martyrdom-The Perspiration of Plants-The Air of
Stove-heated Rooms ..

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The Photophone-London Fogs-A Novelty in Leather - Prac-
tical Science in France-A Perforated Mountain
Lava Floods without Volcanoes-Electric Hair-Underground
Waters The Progress of the Photophone-Electricity and
Salted Herrings

Science of Likenesses, The, and its Meanings. By ANDREW WILSON,


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Study, A New, of "Love's Labour's Lost." By S. L. LEE
Success, Literary, a Hundred Years Ago. By MARGARET HUNT.
Sugar-canes, Among the. By REDSPINNER
Table Talk, By SYLVANUS URBAN :—

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A Fresh-water Jellyfish-M. Sarcey and Mdlle. Sarah Bernhardt
on English Acting-Dutch Players in London-Fairies and
their Size-Professor Mommsen's Calamity-Tom Taylor's Plays 251
The Jesuits and Theatricals-Dr. Horace H. Furness and the
Tower of London-The Index Society-A Statue to Rabelais-
Bret Harte's Works-Spanish Cruelty

Animal Sympathy with Humanity-"Where Ignorance is Bliss,"

its Origin-A Story of a Judge-Teetotal Literature- Merciful

Death for Animals-" The City of Dreadful Night "-The

Indian Romance "Ramáyana "- "Parliament Joan"-Sugges-

tions as to a Library of Reference-Mr. Ruskin's Collected


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