Johnson THE HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND DEATH OF OUR BLESSED SAVIOUR. BY MRS. CATHERINE D'OYLY. SOUTHAMPTON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY T. BAKER. SOLD ALSO BY B. LAW AND SON, AVE-MARIA-LANE, MDCCXCIV. 101. Ј 262. ADDRESS FROM THE AUTHOR. TO THE READER. THE writer of the following remarks is too sensible of her own deficiencies, both in point of knowledge, ftyle and method, to submit them to public notice without feeling the greatest timidity. Besides which disadvantages, she has had others to encounter, which arofe partly from her inexperience of the flow progrefs of printing, and partly from her hurry to arrange her remarks into proper order for the press. Having engaged to the fubfcribers to publish the work at a fhort flated period, |