The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus ChristBurns and Oates, 1858 - 446 pages |
From inside the book
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Page 48
... brethren , you did it to me . 41 Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand : d Depart from me , you cursed , into everlasting fire b Isaias 58. 7. Ezec . 18. 7. and 16 . - Eccli . 7. 39. - d Ps . 6. 9. Supra , 7 23 ...
... brethren , you did it to me . 41 Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand : d Depart from me , you cursed , into everlasting fire b Isaias 58. 7. Ezec . 18. 7. and 16 . - Eccli . 7. 39. - d Ps . 6. 9. Supra , 7 23 ...
Page 57
... brethren , about ten years after our Lord's Ascension , which when Peter had heard , he approved of it , and with his authority published it to the church to be read . Baronius and others say , that the original was written in Latin ...
... brethren , about ten years after our Lord's Ascension , which when Peter had heard , he approved of it , and with his authority published it to the church to be read . Baronius and others say , that the original was written in Latin ...
Page 62
... brethren ? 34 And looking round about on them who sat about him , he saith : Behold my mother and my brethren . 35 For whosoever shall do the will of God , he is my brother , and my sister and mother . CHAP . IV . The parable of the ...
... brethren ? 34 And looking round about on them who sat about him , he saith : Behold my mother and my brethren . 35 For whosoever shall do the will of God , he is my brother , and my sister and mother . CHAP . IV . The parable of the ...
Page 77
... brethren , and sisters , and mothers , and children , and lands , with per- secutions : and in the world to come life everlasting . 31 But many that are first , shall be last : and the last , first . 32 And they were in the way going up ...
... brethren , and sisters , and mothers , and children , and lands , with per- secutions : and in the world to come life everlasting . 31 But many that are first , shall be last : and the last , first . 32 And they were in the way going up ...
Page 126
... brethren , and sisters , yea and his own life also , he cannot be my disciple . prodigal son . 28 For which of you having a mind to build a tower , doth not first sit down and reckon the charges that are necessary , whether he have ...
... brethren , and sisters , yea and his own life also , he cannot be my disciple . prodigal son . 28 For which of you having a mind to build a tower , doth not first sit down and reckon the charges that are necessary , whether he have ...
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according Amen I say angels apostles art thou baptized behold believe blessed blood body brethren called Capharnaum cast CHAP charity chief priests Christ JESUS church circumcision cometh commanded dead death Deut devil disciples doth earth Ephes Epistle evil Exod faith Father fear flesh Galilee gentiles give glory goeth gospel grace hand hath hear heard heart heaven Herod high-priest Holy Ghost honour Infra Isaias Jerusalem JESUS answered JESUS CHRIST JESUS saith Jews John Judea judge king kingdom kingdom of God Lord JESUS Christ Luke Mark Mark 14 Matt Moses multitude Paul peace Peter Pharisees pray preached prophets receive Sadducees scribes sent servant shew Simon Peter sins sons of Zebedee speak spirit spoke Supra synagogue temple thee things thou art thou hast thou shalt tion truth unto voice whosoever word