Every Reason to Be a ChristianXulon Press, 2006 - 344 pages This is probably the most comprehensive and compelling case for Christianity ever written. Extensive, intense, and scholarly, with over 1400 Bible and 235 other references, it is a must read. |
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PREFACE | vii |
What is a Christian? | 17 |
Believing the Bible | 23 |
Learning About JesusHis Life Teachings | 41 |
The Rebirth Experience | 47 |
The Church and Christian Living | 53 |
Modern Miracles | 67 |
Archaeology and History Basically Vindicate the Bible | 87 |
SECTION IICorrecting Some Negative Views | 155 |
Bible Contradictions are Insignificant | 175 |
Sex | 185 |
Science and Evolution Mostly Affirm the Bible and its God | 207 |
Appendix | 221 |
SECTION III Wonderful Info and Advice for Christians and Jews | 265 |
Appendix D | 271 |
Challenges for the Churches | 297 |
The Costs and Benefits of Being a Christian | 95 |
Cant or Wont? | 103 |
Religions and Denominations Making a Choice | 109 |
Prayer Really Works | 137 |
APPENDIX | 303 |
Appendix | 329 |
Common terms and phrases
accept animals answered prayer apostles appears arguments become believe Bible Bible says Biblical account called chapter Christ Christians church claim commandments consider created creation Creationists dark energy dinosaurs earth energy especially evidence evolutionists example existence explain fact faith flood forms fornication fossils Genesis give given God's happened healing heaven Holy Ibid important intelligent design involved irreducible complexity Islam Israel Jesus Jews John Kings living Lord Luke major evolution masturbation Matt matter million miracles molecules Muhammad Muslims mutation natural selection never occur Old Testament plants pray probability prophecy prophets Qur-an rain reason regarding religion result salvation scientific scriptures seems sexual sins strata suggest teachings tell theistic evolution theorem things tion trial set universe unto vapor canopy verses wife words Young earth creationists