| Henry Scougal - 2023 - 61 pages
This work by Henry Scougal was originally created to explain what Christianity is to his friend. Yet, the book became so famous, that got universal acclaim and was read for ... | |
 | Henry Scougal - 2022 - 95 pages
A Classic Guide for Christians Who Want to Move from Empty Religion to Authentic Faith Writing to a friend who was disillusioned by religion, minister and theologian Henry ... | |
 | Henry Scougal - 2021 - 52 pages
This work by Henry Scougal was originally created to explain what Christianity is to his friend. Yet, the book became so famous, that got universal acclaim and was read for ... | |
 | Henry Scougal - 2013 - 73 pages
True religion is a union of the soul with God, a real participation of the divine nature, the very image of God drawn upon the soul, or, in the apostle's phrase, "It is Christ ... | |
 | Henry Scougal - 2007 - 117 pages
With The Methods Of Attaining The Happiness Which It Proposes. Also An Account Of The Beginnings And Advances Of A Spiritual Life. | |
 | Henry Scougal - 2007 - 117 pages
Christian devotional literature in the form of a letter to a friend who has lost his faith. | |
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