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" Sigh, no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers ever ; One foot in sea, and one on shore ; To one thing constant never : Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny ; Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny. "
The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare - Page 181
by William Shakespeare - 1846
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A Forest Tragedy: And Other Tales

Grace Greenwood - 1856 - 362 pages
...bosom, sweep on through the wide, unshadowed fields of the world, toward the eternal sea. CHAPTER IV. Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more ! Men were deceivers...never ; Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny, Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny nonny ! SHAKSPEARE. Better bo off...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1857 - 620 pages
...should hale souls out of men's bodies? — Well, a horn for my money, when all's done. BALTHAZAR sings. Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers...never : Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny ; Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny. Sing no more ditties, sing...
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The Complete Works of Shakspeare, Revised from the Best ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1857 - 626 pages
...hale souls out of men's bodies ? — Well, a horn for my money, when all 's done. BALTHAZAR sings. Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers...never : Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny : Converting all your sounds of woe Into, Hey nonny, nonny. Sing no more ditties,...
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The book of popular songs, ed. by J.E. Carpenter

Joseph Edwards Carpenter - 1858 - 292 pages
...Christmas, The holly branch for me ! SIGH NO MORE, LADIES. W. SHAKSPBABB.] [ifutic by J. It. STBVENS. Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers...never. Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny, Converting all your sounds of wee Into, Hey nonny, nonny. Sing no more ditties, sing...
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Shakspere's Werke, herausg. und erklärt von N. Delius ..., Part 155, Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1859 - 720 pages
...hale souls out of men's bodies? — Well, a hom for my money, when all 's done. 1J Balth. [Sings.] Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers...never. Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you Uithe and bonny, Converting all your sounds of woe Into, Hey nonny, nonny. 13 Sing no more ditties,...
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Dramatic Works

William Shakespeare - 1861 - 916 pages
...should hale souls out of men's bodies t— Well, a horn for my money, when all's done. BALTHAZAR sings. Balth. Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were...never : Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny ; Converting all your sounds of woe Into, Hey nonny, nonny. Sing no more ditties,...
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Shakspere's Songs and Sonnets

William Shakespeare - 1863 - 116 pages
...thy heart when mine is slain ; Thou gav'st me thine, not to give back again. Sigh no more, ladies. SIGH no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers...constant never : Then sigh not so, But let them go, And he you blithe and bonny ; Converting all your sounds of woe Into, Hey, nonny, nonny. '$&*![ SONGS AND...
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The works of William Shakespeare, the text revised by A ..., Part 127, Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1864 - 450 pages
...hale souls out of men's bodies ? — Well, a horn for my money, when all's done. BALTHAZAJI sings. Sigh, no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers...never : Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny ; Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny. Sing no more ditties, sing...
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Cassell's illustrated Shakespeare. The plays of ..., Part 178, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1864 - 752 pages
...should hale souls out of men's bodies ? — Well, a horn for my money, when all's done. BALTHAZAR sings. potency, And you were Isabel ! should it then be...Lucio. [Aside to ISAB.] Ay, touch him ; there's the blithe and bonny ; Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny. Sing no more ditties, sing...
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The Official Programme of the Tercentenary Festival of the Birth of Shakespeare

1864 - 106 pages
...Song .... "Sigh no more, Ladies" .... (Much Ado about Nothing) Sir y. Stevenson. Mr. SIMS REEVES. " Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more : Men were deceivers...never ; Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blyth and bonny ; Converting all your sounds of woe Into, hey nonny, nonny. " Sing no more ditties,...
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