| John Epy Lovell - 1836 - 544 pages
...store Enlarged the former narrow bounds, And added strength to solemn sounds, With nature's mother wit, and arts unknown before. Let old Timotheus yield the prize, Or both divide the crown : He raised a mortal to the skies ; PATHETIC AND ENTERTAINING. 1. THE DESTRUCTION OF SENACHER1B. Byron.... | |
| Elizabeth Washington Wirt - 1837 - 264 pages
...narrow bounds, And added length, to solemn sounds, With Nature's Mother-wit, and arts unknown hefore. Let old Timotheus yield the prize, Or both divide the crown ; He rais'da mortal to the skies ; She brought an Angel down. . . . Dryden. 23. Sorrel, convex, Ozalis convexula, St. Clement, Pope, AD 100.... | |
| John Dryden - 1837 - 482 pages
...solemn sounds, With nature's mother-nit, and arts unknown Let old Timothcus yield the prize, [before. Or both divide the crown ; He rais'da mortal to the skies ; She drew an angel down. GILA.MJ CHORDS. At last divine Cecilia came, Inventress of the vocal frame ; The sweet enthusiast,... | |
| Rolf Hendrik Bremmer - 1998 - 292 pages
...OF MVS1QVE, / An Ode 1n Honour of St. CEC1LlA'S Day', Kinsley, op.cit., 509 (First edition, 1697): 'Let old Timotheus yield the Prize,/ Or both divide the Crown:/ He raised a mortal to the sky;/ She drew an Angel down.' See also Excursus ll below. Haendel turned Dryden's... | |
| Greg Clingham - 2002 - 238 pages
...sweet Enthusiast, from her Sacred Store, Enlarg'd the former narrow Bounds, And added Length to solemn Sounds, With Nature's Mother-Wit, and Arts unknown...rais'da Mortal to the Skies; She drew an Angel down. (lines 155-7o) Johnson was obviously serious about the lasting benefit of Christianity, symbolized... | |
| John Dryden - 2003 - 1024 pages
...sweet enthusiast, from her sacred store, Enlarged the former narrow bounds. And added length to solemn sounds, With nature's mother-wit, and arts unknown...Timotheus yield the prize, Or both divide the crown; He raised a mortal to the skies, She drew an angel down. 180 To Mr Motieux on his Tragedy called Beauty... | |
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