| John Witherspoon, John Rodgers - 1800 - 620 pages
...fides of the pit. " They that fee thee, fhall narrowly look upon thee and " confider thee, faying, Is this the man that made the " earth to tremble, that did fhake kingdoms ? That made " the world as a wildemefs, and deftroyed the cities there" of; that opened... | |
| Lord Peter King King - 1804 - 358 pages
...Dathart, and covered the company of Abiram ;" and. that passage of the prophet Isaiah, chap. xiv. 15. " yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit," and long before St. Jerome, Tertullian calls, hell " a subterranean region, a vastness in the body... | |
| Lord Peter King King - 1804 - 352 pages
...Dathan, and covered the company of Abiram ;" and that passage of the piophet Isaiah, chap. %lv. 15. " yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit," and Jong before St. Jerome, TertuJIiaij calls hell " a subterranean region, a vastness in the body... | |
| Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1805 - 474 pages
...I will ascend above 15 the heights of the clouds : I will be like the most High. Yet 16 thou shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shal1 narrowly look upon thee, [and] consider thee, [saying, Is] this the man that made the earth to... | |
| Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1805 - 476 pages
...I will ascend above 15 the heights of the clouds : I will be like the most High. Yet 16 thoii shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see tliee shall narrowly look upon thee, [and] consider tliee, [saying, Is] this the man that made the... | |
| John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - 624 pages
...brought down to the ground, and the noise of thy viols.— They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble ? that did shake kingdoms? — that opened not the house of his prisoners?" The Star Chamber and High Commission Courts were abolished... | |
| John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - 602 pages
...brought down to the ground, and the noise of thy viols—They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble ? that did shake kingdoms?—that opened not the house of his prisoners?" The Star Chamber and High Commission Courts... | |
| Ezra Sampson - 1806 - 340 pages
...hel>, to the fides of the pit. They that fee '(hall narrowly look upon thee, and confider thee, faying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did fhake the kingdoms ? That made the world as aw ildernefs and deilroyed the cities thereof ?A DESCRIPTION... | |
| Hugh Blair - 1807 - 406 pages
...sides '' of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, " 1 will be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be brought '* down to hell, to the...kingdoms ? That made the world as a wilderness, and de*' stroyed the cities thereof ; that opened not the house of hi» " prisoners ? All the kings of... | |
| Timothy Kenrick - 1807 - 684 pages
...of God." Thus he expresses the prosperity which that monarch once enjoyed; but he adds, (verse 15.) "yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." 24. But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom, ia a day of punishment,... | |
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