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" So here hath been dawning Another blue Day: Think wilt thou let it Slip useless away. Out of Eternity This new Day is born; Into Eternity, At night, will return. Behold it aforetime No eye ever did : So soon it forever From all eyes is hid. Here hath... "
Merill's Word and Sentence Book: A Practical Speller Designed to Teach the ... - Page 73
by James Ormond Wilson - 1902 - 189 pages
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A diurnal for the changes and chances of this mortal life [extracts] ed. by ...

Diurnal - 1885 - 248 pages
...of, but that I shall not know and do all my duty. MARY LYON. EetieetmnQ! tte 31uI? 18. HERE is there dawning Another blue day, Think— wilt thou let it Slip useless away ? Out of Eternity This new day was born : Into Eternity At night will return. Behold it aforetime No eye ever did ; And soon it for...
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Sunshine in the Soul: Poems Selected by the Editor of "Quiet Hours".

1885 - 348 pages
...night, will return. Behold it aforetime No eye ever did : So soon it forever From all eyes Is hid. Here hath been dawning Another blue Day: Think wilt thou let it Slip useless away. THOMAS CARLYLE. MORNING LIGHT. T AST night I fell asleep, •*—' Hushed in a blessed trance of holy...
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"New Every Morning": A Yearbook for Girls

Annie H. Ryder - 1886 - 198 pages
...divine and dear ! The voices of winter's sorrow Already we can hear. CELIA THAXTER. SEPTEMBER. 1. So here hath been dawning Another blue day : Think wilt...return. Behold it aforetime No eye ever did ; So soon it for ever From all eyes is hid. Here hath been dawning Another blue Day : Think wilt thou let it Slip...
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Sheldons' Word Studies: Containing Graded Lessons in the Orthography of ...

Sheldon and Company - 1886 - 210 pages
...quet' (ka') •ear'ry pro te-et' s-earge'ly feVtlle flour'ish pro du'ge§ 197. SELECTIONS. To-day. l. Here hath been dawning another blue day, Think, slip useless away? Out of Eternity this new day was born ; Into Eternity at night must return. See it aforetime no eye ever did, So soon it again from...
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Hymns and Anthems Adapted for Jewish Worship

1886 - 216 pages
...At night will return. Behold it aforetime No eye ever did ; So soon it forever From all eyes is hid. Here hath been dawning Another blue day : Think ! wilt thou let it Slip useless away ? 126 MORNING THOUGHT. Sweet morn ! from countless cups of gold In man, O morn, a loftier good, With...
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"New Every Morning": A Yearbook for Girls

Annie H. Ryder - 1886 - 200 pages
...night, will return. Behold it aforetime No eye ever did ; So soon it for ever From all eyes is hid. Here hath been dawning Another blue Day : Think wilt thou let it Slip useless away ? CARLYLE. 2. Improved cooking-stoves and Mrs. Cornelius have made the culinary art such a path of...
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Day Unto Day

1887 - 440 pages
...— PBOv. xiv. 31. Behold the day, behold, it Is come : the morning is gore forth. — EZEK. vti. 10. Lo, here hath been dawning another blue day : Think, slip useless away ? Out of eternity this new day ia born, Into eternity at night will return. Behold it aforetime no eye ever did; So soon it for ever...
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Our Language: Its Use and Structure Taught by Practice and Example

Gordon Augustus Southworth, Farley Brewer Goddard - 1887 - 424 pages
...Rhine, When he called the flowers so blue and golden Stars that in earth's firmament do shine." 4. " Here hath been dawning another blue day, Think, slip useless away ? Out of eternity this new day was born ; Into eternity at night must return. See it aforetime no eye ever did ; So soon it again...
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Our Language: Its Use and Structure, Taught by Practice and Example, Part 1

Gordon Augustus Southworth - 1887 - 122 pages
...eternity at night must return. See it aforetime no eye ever did; So soon it again from all must be hid. Lo, here hath been dawning another blue day Think, wilt thou let it slip useless away?" 5. " O for boyhood's time of June, Crowding years in one brief moon, When all things I heard or saw,...
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Beckonings for Every Day: A Calendar of Thought

Lucy Larcom - 1887 - 252 pages
...this night 't will return. See it aforetime no eye ever did ; So soon it forever from all eyes is hid. Here hath been dawning another blue day : Think ! wilt thou let it slip useless away ? THOMAS CABLYIB. 3 May. The wind that blew from the sunrise made me hope in the God who had first...
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