| William Shakespeare - 1821 - 520 pages
...164O : " Vender's the cock o'the game, " About to tread yon Guinea-hen ; they're billing." STEEVENS. will plant nettles, or sow lettuce ; set hyssop, and...gender of herbs, or distract it with many ; either to have it steril with idleness 6, or manured with industry ; why, the power and corrigible authority... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1823 - 558 pages
...logo. Virtue ? a fig ! 'tis in ourselves, that we -are thus, or thus. Our bodies are our gardens ; to the which, our wills are gardeners : so that if we...gender of herbs, or distract it with many ; either to have it steril with idleness, or manured with industry ; why, the power and corrigible authority... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1823 - 490 pages
...lago. Virtue ? a fig ! 'tis in ourselves, that we are tons, or thus. Our bodies are our gardens ; to the which, our wills are gardeners : so that if we...gender of herbs, or distract it with many ; either to have it steril with idleness, or manured with industry ; why, the power and corrigible authority... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1824 - 370 pages
...lago. Virtue ? a fig ! 'tis in ourselves, that we are thus, or thus. Our bodies are our gardens ; to the which, our wills are gardeners : so that if we...gender of herbs, or distract it with many ; either to have it steril with idleness, or manured with industry ; why, the power and corrigible authority... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1824 - 512 pages
...logo. Virtue ? a fig ! 'tis in ourselves, that we are thus, or thus. Our bodies are our gardens; to the which, our wills are gardeners : so that if we...hyssop, and weed up thyme, supply it with one gender of hei bs, or distract it with many ; either to have it stml with idleness, or manured with industry ;... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1824 - 512 pages
...logo. Virtue ? a fig ! 'tis in ourselves, thai we arc thus, or thus. Our bodies arc our gardens ; to the which, our wills are gardeners : so that if we will plant nettles, or sow lettuce ; sel hyssop, and weed up thyme, supply it with one gender of herbs, or distract it with many ; either... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1826 - 544 pages
...lago. Virtue? a fig! 'tis in ourselves, that we are thus, or thus. Our bodies are our gardens ; to the which, our wills are gardeners : so that if we...gender of herbs, or distract it with many; either to have ft steril with idleness, or manured with industry : why, the power and corrigible authority... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1826 - 556 pages
...luijn. Virtue? a fig! 'tis in ourselves, that we are thus, or thus. Our bodies are our gardens ; to the which, our wills are gardeners : so that if we...gender of herbs, or distract it with many; either to have it steril with idleness, or manured with industry : why, the power and corrigible authority... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1826 - 540 pages
...lago. Virtue ? a fig! 'tis in ourselves, that we are thus, or thus. Our bodies are our gardens; to the which, our wills are gardeners: so that if we...gender of herbs, or distract it with many; either to have it steril with idleness, or manured with industry: why, the power and corrigible authority... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1828 - 448 pages
...it. lago. Virtue? a fig? 'tis in ourselves, that we are thus, or thus. Our hodies are our gardens; to the which, our wills are gardeners: so that if we...hyssop, and weed up thyme; supply it with one gender of herhs, or distract it with many; either to have it steril with idleness, or manored with industry:... | |
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