| 1765 - 512 pages
...received. . Quell. What if the inward part, or thing fignified i Anfw. The Body and Blood of Chrift, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lords Supper. ' Quell. W h«,t are the benefits whereof we are partakers thereby f Anfw. The lengthening... | |
 | 1779 - 688 pages
.... .' Qyeft- What is the inward part, or thing fignified ? Anfw. The Body and Blood of Chrift, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lords Supper. Queft. What are the benefits whereof we are partakers thereby ? Anfw. The (lengthening... | |
 | Hezekiah Kirkpatrick - 1785 - 358 pages
...death and fufferings of Jefus Chrift ? The church catechifm teaches, that " the body and blood ofChrifl are verily " and indeed taken and received by the "faithful in the Lord's fupper." Thcfe expreffions feem to me neceflarily to imply the body of our Lord being prefent, and... | |
 | John Jebb, John Disney - 1787 - 622 pages
...Chrift ; but then, in your catechifm., you afTert " that the bo' d " o ( 199 ;) dy and blood of Chrift are verily and indeed •taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's fupper." According to the twentyninth article, the wicked, " although they do carnally and vifibly... | |
 | William Knox - 1789 - 280 pages
...the doctrines of the Church, we are taught to fay, *.* that the body and blood of our " Lord Chrift are verily and indeed taken ** and received by the faithful in the ** Lord's Supper*;" and in the exhorta* tion to the celebration of that Sacrament we are told, " that if we receive the... | |
 | Thomas Secker (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1790 - 336 pages
...latter Part of the third Anfwer of our Catechifm is to be nnderftood j that the Body and Blood of Chrift are verily and indeed taken and received by the Faithful in the Lord's Supper: Words intended to mew, that our Church as truly believes the ftrongeft AfTurances of Scriplure concerning... | |
 | Thomas Secker - 1792 - 606 pages
...part of the third anfwer of our catechifm is to be underftood ; that the hody and blood of. Chrift are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper : Words intended to fhow, that our Church as truly believes the ftrong affurances of fcripture concerning... | |
 | George Haggitt - 1796 - 410 pages
...difficulty in the catechism, with respect to this, which should not be passed over: we are told that the body and blood of Christ are " verily and " indeed taken, and received by the faith" ful." This expression sounds like the doctrine of the Papists; that the words • which... | |
 | 1797 - 666 pages
...of the «tfchifm, which Oould not be paffed over. we ire told, that " the body and blood of Chrift are verily and indeed taken, and received by the faithful in the Lord's fupP*r." This exprcffion founds very like the doílriae, juíl mentioned, ef tranfubftsntiation. The... | |
 | 1803 - 818 pages
...the (fa-iples of Hoadley, let us firmly believe, and boldly assert, with our ex«llent Church," that the Body and Blood of Christ are verily, and indeed, taken and received by the faithful in liif Lord's Supper. See also the twenty-eighth article. It discrepancy should appear to exist between... | |
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