| James Edward Jackson - 1825 - 414 pages
...:— our own Church, for instance, in denying the Corporeal Presence, scruples not to affirm, " that the body and blood of Christ are verily and indeed...and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper :" meaning only that the benefits of his Sacrifice are partaken of, and justifying her language by... | |
 | 1825 - 658 pages
...is xjiiritually present, but that, under the emblems of bread and wine, and by faith as the means, " the body and blood of Christ are verily and indeed...and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper:" and, therefore, that they are in a certain sense present, that it is by their powerful virtues, benefits,... | |
 | John Fry - 1825 - 642 pages
...quickening Spirit — yet in shewing " the Spirit and the life" of our Saviour's words ; so that " the body and blood of Christ are verily and indeed...and received by the faithful in the Lord's supper," without the necessity of any miraculous change whatever with respect to the outward sign or memorial.... | |
 | Henry Moore - 1825 - 602 pages
...really its Creeds, Articles, &c., as generally understood and interpreted by its living pastors, e. g- " The body and blood of Christ are verily and indeed...and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper :" Here is a written form of the Church of England, generally understood and interpreted in 1345, as... | |
 | 1825 - 666 pages
...of controversy, viz. to the explanation of the sense in which the assertion of our catechism, that " the body and blood of Christ are verily and indeed...and received by the faithful in the Lord's supper," is to be understood ; or, which is the same thing, of the sense in which the church of England maintains... | |
 | John Jewel (bp. of Salisbury.) - 1825 - 536 pages
...1565. * We teach in our Catechism, which is early put into the hands of all Protestant Children, "that the BODY and BLOOD of CHRIST are verily and indeed...and received by the FAITHFUL in the LORD'S SUPPER." In the xxviiith Article we profess," that to them who worthily receive the LORD'S SUPPER, the Bread... | |
 | Hugh McNeile - 1825 - 472 pages
...invisible communion between our souls, and the body and blood of Christ ; and therefore we say, that the body and blood of Christ, are verily and indeed...and received, by the faithful in the Lord's supper. " By the faithful" because faith is that hidden principle by which the soul holds converse with an... | |
 | 1038 pages
..."Question. What is the inward part, or thing signified? Answer. The body and blood of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's supper." That this answer was meant to express the doctrine of tran substantiation, or consubstantiation, may,... | |
 | William Malkin - 1825 - 504 pages
...be received. Q. What is the inward part or thing signified ? A. The body and blood of Christ which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper. Q. What are the benefits whereof we are partakers thereby ? A. The strengthening and refreshing of... | |
 | Thomas Secker - 1825 - 392 pages
...the sense, in which the latter part of the third answer of our Catechism is to be understood ; that " the body and blood " of Christ are verily and indeed taken and re" ceived by the faithful in the Lord's Supper ;". words intended to show, that our Church as truly... | |
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