| Maude Gillette Phillips - 1885 - 728 pages
...Liberty: " O Liberty, thou goddess heavenly bright, Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight ! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling plenty leads thy wanton train ; Eased of her load, subjection grows more light, And poverty looks cheerful in thy sight ; Thou mak'st... | |
| Edward Everett Hale - 1886 - 518 pages
...Halifax. " 0 Liberty, thou goddess heavenly bright, Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight I Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling Plenty...in thy sight; Thou mak'st the gloomy face of Nature gny Giv'st beauty to the Sun, and pleasure to the day." All the " e'clat " and " glory," of which the... | |
| Robert Burns - 1886 - 468 pages
...The following Ode is on a subject which I know you by no means regard with indifference. "O Liberty, Thou mak'st the gloomy face of Nature gay, Giv'st beauty to the sun, and pleasure to the day." It does me so much good to meet with a man whose honest bosom glows with the generous enthusiasm, the... | |
| William Henry Davenport Adams - 1886 - 396 pages
...runs:— ' 0 Liberty, thou goddess heav'nly bright, Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight ! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling Plenty leads thy wanton train ; Eased of her load, Subjection grows more light, And Poverty looks cheerful in thy sight; Thou mak'st... | |
| Alexander Bain - 1888 - 388 pages
...Addison:— Oh, Liberty, thou goddess heavenly hright, Profuse of bliss and pregnant with delight, Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling Plenty leads thy wanton train: Eased of her load, Subjection grows more light, And Poverty looks cheerful in thy sight; Thou mak'st... | |
| Charles Rogers - 1890 - 412 pages
...following ode is on a subject which I know you by no means regard with indifference, — 0 Liberty, Thou mak'st the gloomy face of Nature gay, Giv'st beauty to the sun, and pleasure to the clay. It does me so much good to meet with a man whose honest bosom glows with the generous enthusiasm,... | |
| 1891 - 556 pages
...Oh ! liberty, thon goddess, heavenly bright, Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight ! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling plenty,...subjection grows more light And poverty looks cheerful in the sight ; Thou mak'st the gloomy face of nature gay, Giv'st beauty to the sun, and pleasure to the... | |
| 1892 - 546 pages
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| Phineas Garrett - 1892 - 970 pages
...Herbert, O liberty! then goddess heavenly bright, Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling plenty leads thy wanton train. Additon. Woman, blest partner of our joys and woes, Even in the darkest hour of earthly ill, There... | |
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