| James Monroe Gregory - 1893 - 270 pages
...thou goddess, heavenly bright. Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight ! Thou mak'st the glowing face of nature gay, Giv'st beauty to the sun, and pleasure to the day.' " I have said that the right to liberty is self-evident. No argument, no researches into mouldy records,... | |
| 1896 - 690 pages
...STATESMAN Î Liberty, thon goddess heavenly bright, Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight ; Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling Plenty leads thy wanton train ; Eas'd of her lond, Subjection grows more light And Poverty looks cheerful in thy sight ; Thou mak'st the gloomy... | |
| Samuel Austin Allibone - 1896 - 794 pages
...LIBERTY. O liberty ! thou goddess heavenly bright, Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight ! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling plenty leads thy wanton train. ADDISON : I1aly. A day, an hour of virtuous liberty Is worth a whole eternity in bondage. ADDISON.... | |
| Edna Lyall - 1897 - 416 pages
...' Oh, Liberty ! thou goddess heav'nly bright, Profuse of bliss and pregnant with delight I Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling Plenty...Giv'st beauty to the sun and pleasure to the day." — ADDISON. As Michael rowed past Lord's Island the old knight and his chaplain were sitting by the... | |
| Edna Lyall - 1897 - 456 pages
...' Oh, Liberty ! thou goddess heav'nly bright, Profuse of bliss and pregnant with delight ! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling Plenty...Giv'st beauty to the sun and pleasure to the day.' — ADDISON. As Michael rowed past Lord's Island the old knight and his chaplain were sitting by the... | |
| 1897 - 308 pages
...Co-w'ley. O liberty ! thou goddess heavenly bright, Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight ! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling plenty leads thy wanton train. — Addison. Must we at last give credit to that common observation so highly praised, that free government... | |
| Heinrich Molenaar - 1899 - 152 pages
...raising. 359. the memory of joys that are past. 391. I dare to sin, but not to lie! VI. 89. O Liberty, Thou mak'st the gloomy face of Nature gay, Giv'st beauty to the sun, and pleasure to the day. 126. Poverty's cold wind and crushing rain beat keen and heavy. 182. When pleasure fascinates the mental... | |
| Edward Arber - 1899 - 336 pages
...42 O, LIBERTY ! thou Goddess heavenly bright! Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign; And smiling Plenty leads thy wanton Train! Eased of her load, Subjection grows more light; And Poverty looks cheerful in thy sight! Thou mak'st... | |
| Edward Arber - 1899 - 354 pages
...thirst! O, LIBERTY ! thou Goddess heavenly bright ! Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign ; And smiling Plenty leads thy wanton Train ! Eased of her load, Subjection grows more light; And Poverty looks cheerful in thy sight! Thou mak'st... | |
| 1900 - 668 pages
...The following Ode is on a subject which I know you by no means regard with indifference. ' O Liberty, Thou mak'st the gloomy face of Nature gay, Giv'st beauty to the sun, and pleasure to the day.' " It does me so much good to meet with a man whose honest bosom glows with the generous enthusiasm,... | |
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